Is Trinity/Deity of Jesus Christ false??

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What is the truth about the RCC and the lies to which you speak. How about posting some of these on a thread?
He won’t he is a hit and run smiter. He will post rants and that was very mild and as soon as he is chastised for his behavior he goes to another thread,and he starts up there.God Bless
Regarding another post which indicated the trinity having its origin in oral tradition. The trinity can be shown from the multitude of verses from both Old Testament and New Testament. Oral tradition only goes so far here. The bible explicitly demonstrates the trinity in over 700 verses from both testaments.
peace all,
Christ loves the father as he loves HIMSELF.
The Father loves Christ as he loves HIMSELF.
I find it strange that no one seems to look at the possibility of Christ and the Father living by the greatest commandments.

Christ did say they were greatest, it would seem odd to me that He would not live by them also.


peace all,
Can the words of the second commandment describe the Trinity and how Christ is one with the Father?

Christ loves the father as he loves HIMSELF.
The Father loves Christ as he loves HIMSELF.
Can there be any greater love between them?
It seems strange that no one has made a direct comment about the above statement, other than to say its enigmatic. I cannot see this as a puzzle or an obscure riddle with hidden meaning.

Do you feel uneasy about the use of the greatest commandments to describe this relationship?


The Church has dealt with most of the controversial doctrines of the day … already. If you read the Nicaean Creed (Creed from the word credo in latin which means I believe) it says the sone is begotten (seperated) not made (created like animals and angels) and is one in being with the Father. That comes from the heresy from the fourth century that Christ was not really devine. the early church had more than enough people debating, sometimes for years and with hundreds of voices these issues which seem to plague us now.

this web site

talks about the heresy that you are asking about.

Also, you can go to this web site

It lists many of the heresies that have existed in the church and what the church has done about it.

This was some of the information that really truly converted me from Southren Baptist to Catholic. I mean, really, if the Church dealt with “real Presence” during the Eucharist back in the 14th Century, who am I to fight that?

peace sires 6

sires6 said:
) it says the sone is begotten (seperated) not made (created like animals and angels) and is one in being with the Father.

But how is Christ one with the father? Can it be through the words of the greatest commandments?

Christ loves the father as he loves himself.
The Father loves Chrisat as he loves himself.


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