The evolution of a system with interacting entities as it was shown in OP is governed by operator E. One need to show that the evolution of system is given by another operator, E’, if there is an emergent phenomena. That is an impossibility because we showed that the evolution of the system is merely given by operator E.
Ok STT, it really seems that you believe that when you scratch certain symbols on your notebook, they will reveal to you the secrets of the universe, though you seem unable to apply them in a simple real case. So, let’s have a look at your formulas:
Here we discuss the possibility of having an emergent phenomena. For simplicity we consider a system which is made of two entities, A and B. Lets assume that two entities interact with each other too. Equation of motion for the system is S’=E(S) where S is the old state of system and S’ is the new state of system and E is the evolution operator which tells us how S changes to S’.
E is constitutes of four parts, E[sub]A[/sub], E[sub]B[/sub] and E[sub]AB[/sub] and E[sub]BA[/sub]. E[sub]A[/sub] is evolution operator which tells us how S[sub]A[/sub] changes to S’[sub]A[/sub] when other entity B does not exist. S[sub]A[/sub] is the old state of entity A and S’[sub]A[/sub] is the new state of entity A. E[sub]AB[/sub] is the evolution of state of entity A under interaction between A and B and E[sub]BA[/sub] is the evolution of state of B under the interaction between B and A. The same notation applies to E[sub]B[/sub], S[sub]B[/sub] and S’[sub]B[/sub] for entity B. E is given by the following equation: E=E[sub]A[/sub]+E[sub]B[/sub]+E[sub]AB[/sub]+E[sub]BA[/sub]. S also can be written as the following: S=[S[sub]A[/sub], S[sub]B[/sub]]. Here we want to show that given the equation of motion for each entity we can obtain the equation of motion for the system without having anything extra, no emergent phenomena. To do so, we first need the equation of motion for entity A and B. This is nothing more than S’[sub]A[/sub]=(E[sub]A[/sub]+E[sub]AB[/sub])S[sub]A[/sub]. We have the same equation for entity B: S’[sub]B[/sub]=(E[sub]B[/sub]+E[sub]BA[/sub])S[sub]B[/sub]. Now we sum two equations and we obtain: [S’[sub]A[/sub], S’[sub]B[/sub]]=(E[sub]A[/sub]+E[sub]AB[/sub]+E[sub]B[/sub]+E[sub]BA[/sub])[S[sub]A[/sub], S[sub]B[/sub]] which this is nothing more than S’=E(S).
This simply means that we cannot expect any emergent phenomena from a simple interacting system, for example we cannot have consciousness as the result of a set of interacting neurons, brain.
So, you say
For an absolutely simple system A, you would represent its state at a given moment by
And E(), which represents in a non-specific way how the system evolves could also be written
You would represent the new state of system S[sub]A[/sub] by
Now, nothing prevents that
S’[sub]A[/sub] = S[sub]A[/sub]
Which would mean that the system remained unchanged after the application of the operator E.
S’[sub]A[/sub] = E[sub]A/sub = S[sub]A[/sub]
That is to say, the system does not evolve.
It could also be conceived though that the state of the system does change when the operator is applied, and in that case it might happen that
S’[sub]A[/sub] >< S[sub]A[/sub]
Where >< means “different”.
What would the operator E[sub]A[/sub] be if not an agent which is transforming the system A? For if it is nothing, then it makes no sense to represent it with a symbol and say that it is an operator. However, what seems clear is that the operator E[sub]A[/sub] is not the same thing as the system A, unless you say otherwise.
I assume that something similar could be said about an absolutely simple system B and an operator E[sub]B[/sub] (“an” operator, because there could be many).
You go on to consider a system which is made of two absolutely simple entities, A and B. And suddenly you introduce surreptitiously the idea that A and B will interact between them (you wrongly assume that such a thing does not require any definition nor clarification), and that in this case the operator E is composed of some other operators E[sub]A[/sub], E[sub]B[/sub] and E[sub]AB[/sub] and E[sub]BA[/sub], indicating that A is an agent which could produce changes on B, and B an agent which could produce changes on A. So, in this case the “partial” operator E[sub]A[/sub] would be an agent different from A (and it could be B), and the “partial” operator E[sub]B[/sub] would be an agent different from B (and it could be A), or they could be one external agent or two different external agents. As for the other “partial” operators, E[sub]AB[/sub] might be A itself, and E[sub]BA[/sub] might be B (but you don’t say it clearly enough). So, you would be combining A, B, E[sub]A[/sub] and E[sub]B[/sub] into a “compound operator” E ; but what does that mean?
So, the idea that E is “composed” of some other “partial” operators can only mean that it is just a vague way to represent the changes produced by external agents acting upon A and B, and the changes produced by A on B and those produced by B on A. Otherwise, E is nothing.
Anyway, you treat those “partial” operators as something which could be summed up, as if they were something similar to numbers:
So, this “equation” has no meaning unless you define “+” and establish the properties of the operation. I would like to stop the analysis here, until you respond satisfactorily. Until then, your formulas really have no meaning to me, STT.