Is using internet on Sunday a sin because it might encourage people to work to maintain servers?

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Hi I wanted to know if this was a sin and if it is the case then do I have to make sure that i not use internet when it is Sunday in other countries where servers may be located?
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Also consider that many churches - including Catholic churches - livestream their Sunday worship over the Internet. This has been critical today because of all the dioceses that have suspended public Masses due to the coronavirus. Internet streaming has enabled many (including me) to participate in Mass virtually today.
We are to avoid servile labor on Sundays. However, there is a decided difference in laboring for the Lord, i.e. streaming the Mass, and working for wages at a convenience store. One gives glory to God - the other helps fill your wallet or purse.

As to those who maintain the servers, how many of them could take the day off if you stayed off the web?


Be at peace.
As a large group though we would cause people less people to maintain the servers. Say if the entire catholic population switched off on Sunday.

Maybe the correct thing to do is no electricity, no toilet (well try to go on saturday). Ok no toilet would be maybe taking things to far.

Is there some Catholic authoritive source that can answer this question, im a little paranoid about it honestly. I dont think the catechism really goes into detail.

And yes im reading about the idea of scrupoulosity thx for mentioning
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As a large group though we would cause people less people to maintain the servers. Say if the entire catholic population switched off on Sunday.
I doubt that. If a problem happens on the weekend to the server, they’re not going to want to wait until business is supposed to be up and running on Monday to get it fixed.
I mean them having to work on sunday maintaining the server.
I will repeat another poster’s question: do you suffer from scrupulosity?

If so, you need to take questions to either your pastor or another confessor - and then stick with them instead of asking unknown people on the internet. questions they are not competent to answer.
im reading about scrupulosity now.

But i cant help listen to my inner moral compass
You also can’t use electricity or take a shower on a Sunday because someone would have to work at the water treatment plant or the power plant on a Sunday too.

Would you refrain from flipping the light switch or flushing the toilet too?
But i cant help listen to my inner moral compass
From experience, one’s inner moral compass may need calibration more often than we think.

You may want to talk to a priest about this or if you have one, a spiritual adviser.
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The light switch and flushing toilet is an exaggeration. But yes i guess im looking at where to draw the line.

Thx for your comments, I think fear of God drives my inner moral compass more than anything. A confessor would help with this i can see
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