Is voting for Democrats endorsing racism?

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Let’s see, 12-14% of the population is African American, yet, they account for roughly a third of all abortions and with African Americans themselves, maybe nearly half, more or less, are aborted.

CDC: 36% of Abortions Abort Black Babies​

So, the Democrats steadfastly support abortion law. These stats are about as racist as can be imho.

Who could ever vote for candidates supporting this? Planned Parenthood might have even revamped some of their stats because it shows abortion is so out of control.

Also, aside from this, Richard Spencer, so-called organizer of the Charlottesville rallies, endorsed Biden.
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I had to do a double take on this title to see if it was a typo. The logic is nothing I can follow, not with any definition of racism I know of.
Since they supported Indian Removal (which affected my family directly), segregation, and slavery, maybe. They are obsessed with race, which is concerning.
I think it’s more eugenics, going back to Margaret Sanger, et. Al. Contraception (and later abortion) were aimed at decreasing the numbers of black and brown people overall, as they were not ‘fit’. So if one considers that, the fact that abortions today appear to have an impact on more black and brown people than white people might show that the eugenics mindset is still there and that in fact these groups are targeted.
This exactly. They are literally obsessed with race. They can never just see you as a fellow American. They always have to notice your race and they change their behavior based on your race.
So you see voting today as support of historical wrongs, from what, the 1850’s forward?
So if one considers that, the fact that abortions today appear to have an impact on more black and brown people than white people might show that the eugenics mindset is still there and that in fact these groups are targeted.
That may be. However, anytime a point like this is being stretch so thin, the idea that a vote for a Democrat is a vote from racism is even more far-fetched than saying a vote for Trump is a vote for racism because of more immediate instances of racism. The truth is, a vote for any individual is never more than a conglomeration of multiple issues.
They always…
The irony in this astounds me. Stereotyping groups to object to stereotyping race?
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The irony in this astounds me. Stereotyping groups to object to stereotyping race?
Huge difference between stereotyping against a group based on an immutable trait such as race vs an elective political ideology.
Yes, it is different, yet remains simplistic and unfair. “They always…” is never a good start, and almost always false, unless you are claiming you know ever Democrat personally, or are divine.
I believe I saw some African American say he rejected “Black Lives Matter” because excluding other races, he found to be racist. The Democrats seem to key in on the whole race issue.
The question is not “How racist were the Democrats or Republicans in 1860?” (or 1870, or 1900, of 1920, or even 1960 or 1970. The question is which party is most racist (notice the wording, please–it’s a matter of degree) in 2020. That’s the only thing that matters.
They can never just see you as a fellow American. They always have to notice your race and they change their behavior based on your race.
And your double-blind, statistical study that supports this slander against every Democrat I know was published where?
It depends if the voter intends to support racism. So, for instance, if a voter wanted to keep Blacks down and thought democrat policies were the way to do it (say, they thought big cities run Democrats result in bad things for Blacks, or they wanted abortion for eugenics purposes, etc) then it could be. Or if someone thinks, “Oh yeah I want to vote for the party of the KKK and slavery! White power!” or something. But I doubt that’s many people.

Perhaps more common, there are the (leftist) critical race theorists who can be legitimately hateful of whites. I’ve seriously seen someone ponder whether it’d be good to kill all white people (Ps his mother was white!).
I prefer to ignore statements that include “always” or “never.” They are problematic and indicate a bias to which there can be no response.
The question is not “How racist were the Democrats or Republicans in 1860?” (or 1870, or 1900, of 1920, or even 1960 or 1970. The question is which party is most racist (notice the wording, please–it’s a matter of degree) in 2020. That’s the only thing that matters.
In 2020, Democrats support abortion law that results in a third of all abortions being done to African Americans, that up to a half of all African American unborn are aborted. Yes, black lives matter and this stat looks very racist, who would ever vote for this?
Throughout history, the Democratic Party has been linked to very prominent racist groups and individuals. They were the party that opposed the civil rights movement in the 1960’s.

Unfortunately, many older democrats, especially in minority and blue collar families, still view the Democratic Party as the same party that elected JFK. There’s still this belief that Democrats are for the poor, the minorities and the working class, while Republicans are for the rich white men.

It’s a view that is based more on a misunderstanding of the history of the two parties and what they actually represent.
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