Is what I did a mortal sin?

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I am currently recovering from pornography, I haven’t watched or looked at it in months, but I almost relapsed. I was sent a porn link and I opened it, I stopped myself while it was loading and exited out, but I still saw porn. Even though I tried to stop myself I still saw it, and I made sure to exit out of it as quickly as possible. Is this still a mortal sin?
Only a priest can help you if you aren’t sure.

Side note: don’t click links that are sent to you by unknown parties. Especially porn links. That’s just asking for a virus.
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I have a thing on my computer to block stuff like that, and it actually works very well. If you can find something on your phone or on your computer that does the same thing, please get it.
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The Lord knows your heart and your intentions. If you opened it without knowing I’m sure the Lord will forgive you. Keep strong and have that strong will. As a matter of fact every time you feel you will relapse just pray and God will help you resist that urge. Although, you shouldn’t open links you don’t recognize, they can be a virus. God bless you my friend.
You say -
I almost relapsed
I opened it, I stopped myself while it was loading and exited out
I still saw porn
made sure to exit out of it as quickly as possible.
For mortal sin to be committed it must be grave matter, there must be full knowledge of this and there must be full consent.

You knew and still opened the link, then rejected watching and exited asap. So you consented to opening the link, but it sounds like there wasn’t full consent to watching it. If you fully consented to watching it, then why would you have exited and closed it asap?

Only you know how full was your consent.

I suggest you make a perfect act of contrition, put a filter on this (ALL) devices, and do not click on any links that you know or suspect to be to porn sites. Then go to confession as soon as you can in your area.

How to make a perfect act of contrition
You knew the link was porn and you clicked it. Go to confession, say that to the priest.
I will pray for you as you continue to recover from this sin.

You should avoid things that could tempt you. I don’t know the specifics on how you were sent the link. If it was someone you know who sent it explain to them why you dont want it and if they continue dont open the messages from them.

I know there are some programs to help, like covenant eyes (where you have someone hold you responsiable to staying off those sites) also Matt Fradd talks on it (from a Catholic Perspective) and has a program.

On the issue of it being a mortal sin, I would say go to a priest in confession and fet the grace from a good confession.

I and many people are praying for you brother in Christ.
If your mind is still not settled about this, you could ask your parish priest. If you want to be sure to keep your question private, you could speak of this during confession.
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I think choosing the site and physically clicking on it is grave matter.
I think God is merciful, habit is very strong, and you stopped yourself quickly. Remember the “force of habit” mitigates mortal sin, as does psychological issues. You are doing your best. Give youself a break. Read on Gods mercy and abundant love. Confess when you can. Pray. But I honestly dont believe you are in mortal sin.
It sounds to me like you did not, since it doesn’t seem like there was full consent, especially if you’re fighting an addiction to pornography.

That said, I’m not a priest, so I would wait and see if a priest weighs in. But my gut is this was a near miss.
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