So… if an advocate of one if those positions asked you what would cause you to change your mind, what would you say? Because on some topcs I would only be able to say that I do not believe anythings exists which could cause me to change my mind!.
Yes, for some aspects this is true. But just because i think there is nothing to change my mind, doesn’t mean there isn’t.
And its better the other knows were i think the critical point is, as it can save a lot of futile arguments (e.g. if someone discusses abortion with me, we can skip all those discussion of how hard it is for some women; it won’t change my mind, since if door A is “kill innocent and defenseless human” and the only other door reads anything but “kill innocent and defenseless human” or “torture innocent and defenseless human” then i opt for trying door B and hope for the best).
Also, there are for some issues other aspects, which might chance my point of view.
E.g. for communism it would also be sufficient to change my mind if:
- a clear and legally handable distinction between means of production and other property could be named
- it could be argued rather convincingly that based on this distinction there is at least a chance to build a functioning communistic economy
- a somewhat homogenic country is separated, preferably with the consent of the inhabitants, in two areas which geographically and politically could at least form own states, with one area applying the above communism and the other applying a known and somewhat working version of “capitalism”
If then after 50 years still no droves of people migrate from communistic area to capitalistic area, i would rethink my opposition to communism. But only if no cheating by building a wall happened.
That this scenario is unlikely to be realised does not change, that it probably might convince me; but still this serves the discussion, because the pro-communistic discussion partner would have an easier time understanding why he has a hard time to convince me, cause the two similar “experiments” had a devastating result for communism.
For same-sex marriage, the solution might be to demonstrate that
- the magisterium of the Church is fallible (done by showing a contradiction)
- the very, very strong correlation between being in favor of same-sex marriage and abortion is no indirect causation or dependent upon an unnnamed third factor (if vast majority checking “yes” on same-sex marriage referendum checks “yes” on abortion referndum, as current political affiliations indicate, i cannot check “yes” on same-sex marriage out of fear it is somehow indirectly connected to killing innocent and defenseless humans)
Regarding praying, its easy, just show me that the one i am praying to, does not agree to killing innocent and defenseless being usually or always wrong; then i immidiately stop praying (note that i am blasphemous enough that the one i am pryaing to, is also bound to some extent by this, though it might be in a way i do not understand and cant comprehend).
Regarding quiting Church, just show me that the Church does not agree to killing innocent and defenseless being usually or always wrong.
With abortion there is no workaround, the other side would have to convince me, that killing innocent and defenseless humans is not usually wrong; that might be impossible, but maybe it is better if innocent and defenseless humans trying to fully and throughfully convince me that killing innocent and defenseless humans is to some extent ok are guaranteed to fail.