Is your brain red or blue?

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Hooray for US!
No way am i 80% liberal… unless they mean classical liberalism which actually cared about individual freedoms and less government intervention.
It seems like the main purpose of the survey was to measure your level of “disgust” as they have found a link between that and political affiliation. It did note that those in fields such as health care of child care might have more skewed results because one becomes more desensitized to disgusting things in those fields.
Yes, or mothers/grandmas. Nuclear diapers, projectile vomiting, penicillin growing in the fridge. . .
My brain is 69% Conservative and 31% Liberal.
But they questions were silly. I am sure there are many prudes in the Liberal bunch also.
39% conservative, 61% liberal. Not very accurate, depending on one’s definition of conservative. I think I am 100% conservative, I just disagree with some of the GOP positions (immigration mainly, healthcare somewhat) these days and I really which we had a difference president.
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Understandable sentiment. But it is a sentiment which leads to rather bad results.
If you “experiment” with the quiz a few times, the metrics used become rather obvious.

Now, as to whether the metrics used mean what the measurers think they mean, well, that’s a different question.
Odd. It classified me as liberal and I think rush Limbaugh is a raging commie.
It’s based on squick factor apparently. If you raised a houseful of kids hands-on, you’re probably not squicked by much of anything messy.
Stay at home dad to 6 soon to be seven. Not much I haven’t seen including a 1 year old with coprophasia. And replacing a g tube by hand. Doesnt mean I like stepping on a worm barefoot or amoral socialism.
54% liberal, 46% conservative.
I see myself as a man without a viable palatable party. Seems to be a false dichotomy.
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