Well, I couldn’t answer your poll. We haven’t been Catholic since Biblical times I don’t think because in each generation we seem to have both Catholic and Prostestant relatives. Some of the marriages like my parents were that both were Catholic, but my Father’s parents, one was Catholic and one was Lutheran. On my mother’s side my grandmother was Catholic and my grandfather was Lutheran. My husband is Lutheran.
Despite the fact that we have mixed households, the Catholic members of our households have been fairly to very devout. I am very blessed. Although my husband is Lutheran, his family has always treated me and my family with the utmost respect and vis a versa. My husband is a very good man and although he doesn’t “agree” with everything about the Church when we were married he did promise to raise our children in the church and he has always been faithful to that promise. He does not allow them to be confused by other religions and even teases the children when they don’t pray the rosary properly as he walks by the room.
God bless you on your journey, and if you need a private ear, drop me a line on the private e-mail system.