Is Your Family Catholic?

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I am the “lone ranger” RC in my family. I am probably the first RC since the Reformation! I live in the “Bible Belt”, although my parents, siblings and their spouses do not go to their respective Baptist churches like they should. For my birthday last year, my family gave me a lot of cards with nuns on them for a laugh. :o I get teased quite often! I just take it all in stride. I wouldn’t want to leave Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist for anything!!! 😉
My family on both my mothers side and my fathers are all catholic. In my immediate family I have a sister and a brother along with their familys who are Baptist and my brother and I are practicing Catholics while the rest of us which leaves 5 more siblings are non practicing catholics. My husband family is also catholics, but only he and his parents are practicing. That was in my prayer to God when I find a husband he needed to have a job and go to church that was so important to me and my prayer was answered. I also think his mothers prayers were answered, because they love that we go to church as a family. They are always praying that their other children go back. I believe they will because I never underestimate the power of a mother’ prayer.
I am the only Catholic in this household of 8, and my heart aches with loneliness most of the time. Yet at the same time I have the joy of my faith which upholds me. My husband is an Evangelical who spent most of his life thinking that the Catholic Church was the “Whore of Babylon.” Now that his wife reverted back to the church of her youth, he’s embarrassed and angry. We don’t speak of spiritual things at all.
My immediate and extended family on both sides is ‘Catholic’…that is, in name, but not in anything else. I’m the only practicing Catholic.
Came from a huge athiest family…they are only “christian” at thigns like weddings, baptisms and funerals. They believe that there is a slight possibility that a god exsists…somewhere, so they take part in christian things sometimes. I find it hypocritical. When i was living at home, i never went to church when my mom wanted me to because her reasons were so un-christian.
ridesawhitehors said:
Ok Ok, Sometimes I feel sorry for myself I guess. :o But I am the only catholic in my ENTIRE family, in-laws, outlaws, and immediate family - (converted after I married). It is often like being on an island. Sometimes it seems like YOU are my catholic family. Sad, huh?

**Do you have a catholic family? Are you the only one? What is your situation? **

I feel for you! And use the support of the forum, I don’t think it’s sad. My family is populated mostly by people worshipping at St. Mattress than any actual denomination. Being an active member of any faith is an exotic sport or hobby to them–I just try to show them that I am a good athlete in this regard!
I am the youngest of six, raised Catholic, my parents were raised Catholic, today, all six of us, our spouses (with the exception of one and, oh boy, is she an exception!), and children are all practicing Catholics. We couldn’t imagine every being anything else, I don’t think.

As far as the six of us being so strong in our faith, I credit my parents. We went to Mass every Sunday and Holy Day. We weren’t permitted to spend weekends with friends unless they could assure my parents we would make it to Mass. Barring the death bed, there was just no excuse not to go to Mass. My father, now 81, has attended daily Mass since his early twenties. Still does.

Just as important…, my parents live their faith (mom is now deceased, but dad still does). They set excellent examples for us. And, they never, ever, EVER spoke negatively about any other religion, they just lived theirs and we learned by their example I guess. Anyway, I thank them for it. Thanks Mom and Dad!!
I voted based on my Dad’s side of the family, which has been Catholic as far back as I’ve been able to trace. My Mom’s father was a cradle Catholic, and her mother was a convert, but several of her siblings fell away so that I have few Catholic cousins on her side. 😦
Brought up in Church of Scotland (Calvinist). Returned to Church as high church episcopalian and now Catholic. Met Catholic wife (I had already been recieved into Catholic Church by that point)

Parents went to Baptist Sunday School but married in Church of Scotland - Catholicism still treated with suspision!

Fathers parents were involved with the Orange Order & Freemasons!

Mothers father is a bit better now but told his children ’ No papists in my house’ when in their teens. The fact his son and two of his grandsons married catholics didn’t go down well!

Great Uncle was a Free Church of Scotland (Church of Scotland splinter) minister (and the nicest bloke you could meet by all accounts.

Not strictly family but my oldest friend is a Baptist but he is totally cool with my catholicism.

Quite complicated really!🙂
My family is a Catholic family except my mothers side who are Anglican although many of them have married into Catholic families. My father and his family are Catholic all the way back as far as we know. My hubbies side of the family are non-believers, one is even a practicing “witch”, as is my brothers girlfriend. My son is being raised Catholic without any fuss from my husband. Now as to how many of them are practising Catholics that is a different story. God Bless. Sue.
I had to chose the very last option. I have a very varied religious background. On my mom’s side they are nominally Italian Catholics, my Grandfather was the last devout Catholic (Besides myself, there is a joke amongst my New Age family members that I am him reincarnated to reconcile the family back to the Church) but he died many years ago. My Uncles and Mother rebelled against the faith. One of my uncles went the fundamentalist route, whereas the other one went the way of the atheist. My mother rebelled against the faith long before I was born, therefore I was not raised Catholic. SHe got mixed up with the New Age, much to my dismay. My Father’s family is primarily southern Baptist, although my father himself was a nominal lutheran for most of his life. Since my mother had the greater influence on me, I had primarily New Age influences growing up until I converted to Lutheranism and then finally to Catholicism. There are also other smaller strands in my family but it isn’t necessary to post them here. As you can see, my family is mixed up…
I am one of only two Catholics in my family. The other Catholic is my mom. A series of discussions over several years led to our decision to convert, and we actually went through R.C.I.A. together. 🙂
I am the only Catholic person in my family and one of the few religous ones. I think the last Catholic was my grandfather and I am not sure if he practiced but he was raised Catholic. My last name was a very common name in the area I live in (Go figure Italians have big families) and all the people in the city I live in whom I am related are not of the faith but in the other city (about and hour away) are all devout Catholics.
I don’t really know my grandparents, but they are devout Catholics. My immediate family is Sunday Catholics (and Catholocism stays on Sunday) as well as 60% of my extended family. The rest are every so often Catholics as well as one or two who have left Catholocism. I try to live my faith…its hard being a teen going agains the flow of my elders
Good question. I am old and have a raft of siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, step children, in-laws and assorted other relatives including children and grandchildren of all those mentioned, there is a wide diversity of religious affiliation within the Christian context (None are Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) and everyone is very congenial. I have never heard an argument over religion; everyone is respectful of the others. And we have everything from dyed in the wool, cradle Catholics who home school their six children because of the secular influences in their local Catholic high school, to others who were reared in one tradition or another but simple never go to church, except for weddings, etc.

One middle aged couple says they are Catholic at home but Methodist when they are with their son and daughter-in-law. This is the situation where a person may nominally be an adherent of one tradition but jumps around in practice. General Wesley Clark has stated, if I have this straight, that he was raised a Methodist, converted to Catholicism, and attends a Presbyterian church. (As of a few months ago, anyway.)

This is definitely not like the good old days in the fifties when entire families could be identified as being Catholic or not.
ridesawhitehors said:
Ok Ok, Sometimes I feel sorry for myself I guess. :o But I am the only catholic in my ENTIRE family, in-laws, outlaws, and immediate family - (converted after I married). It is often like being on an island. Sometimes it seems like YOU are my catholic family. Sad, huh?

**Do you have a catholic family? Are you the only one? What is your situation? **

ridesawhitehors, I am the only Catholic in my whole family, too. I think my family has been Protestant probably since the Reformation, when they believed anything at all. My Mom and my Sister (and Sis’s family) are fundamentalist/evangelical Protestants, and my husband is an atheist, albeit a supportive one.

Coincidentally, I also live in the Pac NW, and I like horses, too!
Great thread! I enjoy reading all of these situations. I voted immediate family only. I was raised Methodist although not real devout. Wife was raised Catholic so I became Catholic to get married. We raised the kids in Catholic elementary school and generally went to Mass on Sundays, missed once in a while, but never made the attempt to go on holy days. I finally got the bug and read the CCC and I am in the process of becoming a complete and devout Catholic. This is freaking out the wife and kids. I now go to Mass most days and always on Sunday. Even went to confession for the first time in years!

This has been very difficult. My wife does not accept the Catholic faith 100% so we have some issues to work through but it is getting better. I do not try to covert her with words but do my best to show her my faith in action. She is a democrat so we have had heated discussions about denying communion to politicians that support abortion. I try not to win these debates but simply state the position of the Church. Anyway, this is the cross I get to carry today. We are still married and I know that I love more than I ever have.

God Bless.
I have a weird thing going on. My Step mom’s family is partially Catholic, including my Step mom and two half sisters. My husbands family is mostly Catholic til this last generation. Now only half his brothers practic The Faith. I just came into the Church this Easter. We are tring to get the Brothers to come back :gopray: And my dad;) My Step Dad, Mom and Half brother are Luthern… seemingly small step praying for an opening of hearts ❤️ :gopray2:
My parents are both still Catholic, but my mom is the only practicing in her family of 4 siblings. My sister is no longer practicing. My father was a convert from Luthern when he married mom 42 years ago. My husband’s family has been Catholic since St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland.
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