Islam true or false

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Can we know Islam is false? Sometimes it makes me doubt my faith because if Islam is true, I’m going to hell. I’m just looking for the truth.
Technically, we can’t know, not for sure. How do I know Catholicism is true? I don’t. But I believe, and I have many good reasons to believe, that it is. So I do not care which other religions may say that I am going to hell, because, although I do not know, I, through both reason and faith, wholeheartedly believe that Catholicism is the one and only true religion.
CS Lewis said this about Islam
Islamic faith teaches that Jesus was a prophet and not the son of God
So he concluded that Islam is not divinely inspired because Jesus was either the son of God or a Lunatic.
So he could not be a prophet .
Islam is a monotheistic religion but they do not follow any of our Christian teachings and deny Christ therefor they are Anti Christ and live by the sword not by the word of God.
Islam is controlled by fear, do you know that if you leave Islam you carry a death sentence with you?
any religion that needs to control it’s members by fear is not from God. You can fear God but not men.
Mohamed was a deranged narcissistic lunatic obsessed with power and gluttony and sex, he destroyed and killed to gain power.
So you either choose a monster who was most likely oppressed by demons or Christ, I really don’t see how you have confusion over this. Most Muslims have no choice in their faith as it is a death sentence for you and your family to convert to another faith.
If Christianity is true then Islam must be false.

Also: how can it be God’s will than one man have four wives at the same time, or that a man have multiple concubines?

Also how can “join us or we will kill you!” be what God intends?
Of course, no doubt it’s false… But it’s a smart-false, nevertheless, and i don’t think he was a lunatic monster as mentioned above. On the contrary, he used a very canny synthesis of Judeo-Christianity and his new religion in a way that appealed to his contemporaries while it opened up political ways and tremendous military and worldly powers for himself, as he could now justify his cause for war. The Quran is full with examples of clear misunderstanding of both Judaism and Christianity to start with. Some of its so-called exhortations on correcting the infidels point to these kind of misunderstanding and clear misinterpretation of the Messiah and the plan of Salvation. However, i also have to admit that the style the Quran has could easily portray the Christian faith as Looney Tunes at first sight by using logic and natural reasoning, since it has certain philosophy embedded within its teachings that does actually make sense for the earthly living and for our contemporaries. BUT, in its core, it’s a violent religion which couldn’t be further from the true peace and love. Moreover, it cannot even stand a fair trial of itself, hence ultimately its own teachings.
Can we know Islam is false? Sometimes it makes me doubt my faith because if Islam is true, I’m going to hell. I’m just looking for the truth.
Your profile says you’re a Christian. So let me ask you these questions.

Do you believe that Jesus is God Incarnate, the Son of God the Father? Is Jesus your Savior? Is Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, the Lord of your life? Do you believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life? Do you believe that you cannot come to the Father except by Him? Do you believe that Jesus is the unblemished Lamb of God who died on the Cross for the forgiveness of your sins?

If you answered “Yes” to these questions, you have found the Truth. Jesus is the Truth.

Islam is not the truth. Stay as far away from it as possible.
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It’s great that you say you’re looking for the truth – that’s really the right attitude to take toward religion, and toward all of life. Concerning Islam, it is true that there are muslims scholars who insist that non-muslims will go to hell, but authentic Islam does not actually teach this. Quite the contrary: its basic teaching is that any righteous believer will get their reward from God, and that specifically includes Christians. Take a look, for example, at Al Quran verse 2:62. So, the thing to keep in mind is that every religion is represented by a large number of people, some of whom are charitable toward other religions, and some of whom are extremely partisan. Islam is not the only religion that suffers from this. Christianity obviously does as well.

As to your general question whether Islam is true or false, I’d say that authentic Islam is true, in the sense that it’s a valid path to salvation. But of course I would say the same thing about authentic Christianity. The mutual exclusivity that many of us like to see, isn’t actually there, though I would generally recommend anyone to stick to what he knows best.
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If Christianity is the truth, then Islam must be false. Islam rejects Christ as Son of God and author of our salvation. From that perspective, the relativistic position that both can lead to salvation is untenable.

Have you discovered the truth of Christianity? If not, this is where you should start. More to the point, I’d look at the resurrection.
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Look at the teachings of the founders of Christianity and Islam. One said to love God, love your neighbor, and forgive. The other started saying something similar, then changed it into cut their heads off or make them live as second class citizens if they don’t convert. 'Nuff said.
Jesus said " By their fruits shall you know them "
Its a no- brainer for anyone with a modicum of intelligence and who is appreciating freedom of religion.
There is no salvation outside of Christ.
Christians Love their neighbours they don’t kill them for believing differently
and where is the heaven for the 72 blue eyed virgins that await these barbarians in Heaven?
If I went into a cave alone, wrote a book, and then walked out and said what I wrote was the word of God and you had to believe it, would you have any reason to?
There is no salvation outside of Christ.
Christians Love their neighbours they don’t kill them for believing differently
and where is the heaven for the 72 blue eyed virgins that await these barbarians in Heaven?
In order:

That’s a Christian belief (the clue is in the name) and one that I respect. It is one that is claimed by none of the world’s other religions.

Christians do not necessarily love their neighbours. They are meant to but very few follow that commandment. Notwithstanding that the verses to which you might be referencing are contextual and refer to a time when Islam as a religion was being physically threatened. See God’s commands re the Melakites for a similar situation.

And there are no 72 virgins in the Quran. Wives are mentioned in an unreliable Hadith which Muslims are recommended to ignore. And even the pleasures of heaven in the Quran are read by some as to have been mistranslated.

And I think to call believers of Islam ‘barbarians’ is something of which you should be ashamed.
There is no salvation outside of Christ.
Christians Love their neighbours they don’t kill them for believing differently
and where is the heaven for the 72 blue eyed virgins that await these barbarians in Heaven?
Jeez dude. The vast majority of Muslims are not Jihadis, just as the vast majority of Catholics aren’t child rapists.
I was referring to those who kill in the name of Islam as Barbarians not Musilms in General as I know there are millions of Good Muslims in the world but they don’t believe in Jihad and the rewards given by Allah for murder. There is a clear distinction.

The 72 Virgins notion has its origins in the Qur’an. Although the holy book does not specify the number as 72, it does say that those who fight in the way of Allah and are killed will be given a great reward. It goes on to stipulate that Muslims will be awarded with women in Islamic heaven. It even describes their physical attributes—large eyes (Q 56:22) and big, firm, round “swelling breasts” that are not inclined to sagging (Q 78:33). The Qur’an refers to these virgins as houri, companions of equal age, but the highly-flavoured emphasis of their bodily characteristics, including their virginity, gave rise to many hadiths and other Islamic writings.

Hadith 2687 is where the number 72 is mentioned. “The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are eighty thousand servants and 72 houri, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah to San’a.”
I referred to those who believe they will be rewarded in Heaven for murder not Muslims in general.
I referred to those who believe they will be rewarded in Heaven for murder not Muslims in general.
Then you should have qualified that statement. They are not representative of the vast majority of Muslims.
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It sort of followed the conversion about murderers.
But any way i’m sorry if you took it that way.
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