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As Iraqis prepare to cast secret ballots in Sunday’s free election, terrorists work day and night to obliterate the entire project. Their political violence recalls that of white supremacists who shielded Jim Crow in the battle for civil rights. Those who block the doorway to Iraqi self-determination are nothing more than Islamo-Klansmen.

“Those of you who think you can vote and then run away…we will shadow you and catch you, and we will cut off your heads and the heads of your children,” threatened one Muslim-extremist leaflet the New York Times’s Dexter Filkins saw distributed on Baghdad’s Madaris Street. “This is a final warning to all of those who plan to participate in the election,” it continued. “We vow to wash the streets of Baghdad with the voters’ blood.”

The Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists similarly slaved away to stymie southern democracy. An 1866 assault on black and white Republican legislators in New Orleans by racist white Democrats killed 137 people and wounded hundreds more. Ongoing Klan violence led President Ulysses S. Grant to announce in 1871 that (note the word) “insurgents were in rebellion against the authority of the United States.”

The Invisible Empire of the South, as the KKK also was known, kept the torch of terror ablaze. During 1964’s Freedom Summer, Mississippi alone saw 30 black homes burned, 35 volunteers shot at, 37 black churches firebombed, 80 activists beaten by white bigots, and some 1,000 civil rights fighters and their allies jailed by racist cops.

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