It's Dr. Rice, Not Dr. Dre

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Over the top, sometimes?? Sure!

But she never shys away from calling a spade a spade!!

Ann rocks!!
Ya, sure! It is like apples and oranges. One is red and one is orange. Both are good fruit, but they are different. 👍
Condi for President and Ann for V.P. in 2008. That should set the liberals on their heels.
Condi for President and Ann for V.P. in 2008. That should set the liberals on their heels.
It would be a great ticket, just to see all the “Catholics” who say you can’t vote for a pro-abortion candidate turn around and show what hypocrites they are.
It would be a great ticket, just to see all the “Catholics” who say you can’t vote for a pro-abortion candidate turn around and show what hypocrites they are.
As opposed to the blatantly pro-abortion “Catholics” that backed Senator Kerry…


– Mark L. Chance.
Over the top, sometimes?? Sure!

But she never shys away from calling a spade a spade!!

Ann rocks!!
I would have to allow you are correct. In Chicago it used to be that the term “A spade” equaled a “Black person”. Like they instructed me when I used to travel internationally, be very careful with gestures and with free translations of words, they sometimes carry meanings you never anticipated. 👍 👍

p.s. I did find the article interesting and intertaining.
Condi is a political lightweight who was not qualified to be national security advisor let alone Secretary of State - but - she is loyal to President Bush.

Ann Coulter is the Bride of Chuckie, I can’t understand why anyone takes her seriously.
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