I agree with those who say–and indeed how could it not be true–that this sin can be overcome. God made us, shall we say,
complex beings, not just sexual ones, and with our fallen nature we have to have faith to enable our higher nature to control our lower nature: in our original creation there was no competition or confusion among our various details.
A prayer that was very helpful to me (I haven’t fallen in almost a year) is Jesus Mary I love you: save souls. This profound little prayer has such wonderful effects. Consider: it focuses on true love rather than on false self- or selfish love. It focuses you on God and His precious ones rather than on disordered things the anti-Christ wants to distract you with. It focuses you on salvation–the whole point of Our Lord’s Passion and Cross. And every soul saved by your intercession increases the glories of heaven and increases those who can pray for you!
In my experience, the first few months after the last fall are the most trying. Yes, the images are seared into your mind–but don’t over-play that idea. You’re not helpless. They are not
really seared–you will have less and less to do with them, with the passing of time. You will replace them with other images. (Once a day, meditate on the Cross, or on a beautiful painting from our holy religion–do you do this? One author I like has
meditated on the manger scene. I don’t “prescribe” this–it’s just something that will, long-term, help you in many ways, and can also give your mind better image food so to speak.)
It has been almost a year for me, and one weekend not too long ago I was suddenly afflicted with images. They sprang into my mind and did things I had seen and some things I hadn’t. This may happen from time to time. I am sorry for any role I had in encouraging these images. I found that my response was different. I didn’t fall, I didn’t go looking for any new things. I just had a foreboding feeling with the onset of each bout, I tried to get through it, and I sang
salve regina, mater misericordie! vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra salve. Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Hevae… And I said that prayer, above, a bunch of times. Now they’re gone. The problem lasted about two days. Who knows what that was about. Saints (I am not saying I am a Saint of course!) have found themselves afflicted in different ways at different times in their lives–there will never, in this life, be a zero risk of temptation! We really do have a fallen nature, and we really do need beautiful worship, all the sacraments, intercessory prayer, all God’s friends, and each other the
Don’t forget that Satan and his minions are only creatures–they can’t control you. They can twiddle your imagination, but that’s really about it. They can’t make you do anything. They really have no power–they need our assent for evil to actually occur.
Finally, may I suggest: Please consider throwing away your television set. There is so much soft porn on that confounded box. It has gotten
much worse in the last 15-20 years. And most programming is highly suggestive, and purely materialistic/atheistic when not sexually suggestive. That box does you no good at all. Be careful with other media, too. Not long after my last fall I opened a magazine like Time or Newsweek, not sure which, and there was a picture of a scantily-clad young lady, advertising something. It is just awful. I read somewhere recently a good summation of the situation: not only has chastity gone by the wayside as a considered virtue, but modesty–and even mere decency–have been cast aside.
Even decency has been cast aside. (
*) But grace shall abound all the more. (