In case you don’t have time to read four volumes of deep visionary insight, I would highly recommend reading Jason Evert’s 32 page pamphlet on purity entitled “Pure Love.” The book is written in a Q&A format, and although it’s an easy read (I can get through the whole thing in about twenty minutes), it’s very motivational. In the little section on pornography, he talks about why porn “is the perfect way to ruin your future marriage” and how soft porn can lead to worse and worse sins. Evert writes, “Pope John Paul II has said that the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much, but that it shows too little. Pornographic images reduce the person to body parts, and nothing else.” Women are NOT objects to be used for pleasure, THEY HAVE SOULS (even porn stars)!!!
A friend of mine always says, “Whatever you put in the ‘box’ is all that can and will come back out.” Meaning, what you put in your mind is what’s going to dictate the way you behave. Once you have those images burned in your head, it’s going to become extremely difficult to forget them, and they will most likely have an influence on the way treat women in the future. It’s a disservice to you, your future wife, and women in general to engage in pornographic activity.
Also, remembering that God is right there watching, and, on judgment day, every single thing we do will be evaluated by Him always helps me to avoid sin. Saying a Hail Mary during times of temptation is good too: the Blessed Mother and Satan just can’t be occupying the same space. Either appealing to Mary will expel the devil, or shutting her out will keep Satan in.
Other than that, all I can say is: WEEKLY CONFESSION & CONSTANT PRAYER!! I go to confession as often as I can, and am trying to get my prayer life back in order. It used to annoy me when people would advise me to pray about something; it seemed so pointless, but I’ve found that the more I pray, the easier it becomes, and the more I can talk to God as if He were my best friend.
Well, I’ll be praying for you that you can over come these temptations, erase the memories of your old sins, and become a gentleman modeled after Christ.
God bless you!!
~Irish Catholic