KevinK . . .
Its hard to stay positive with daily scandal revelations
It IS tough Kevin.
There are some real bad guys in the Church in influential positions.
But what they are doing is AGAINST what we teach.
These guys are in trouble, not for following Catholicism, but for deviating from it.
The whole world awoke and found itself Arian.
The Arian heresy times were ALSO tough times for the Church but by grace, the Church ALWAYS endures and takes difficult times to emerge stronger!
Don’t let the bad guys win. Don’t give yourself over to even a natural despair.
God chose you from before the dawn of time to be here now to fight for His Bride, the Church.
Answer that call and be all the more resolved to do spiritual battle in prayer, fasting, catechizing yourself deeper, Adoration, and evangelization.
It’s going to get worse before it gets a whole lot worse.
Stand strong brother and be a Saint!
God bless.