Sometimes I question the motives of some that don’t think they can deal with the TLM as it is but decide to post on this forum anyway. What is their agenda? Collecting brownie points from God or from their bishops? Getting high-fives from their cohorts whenever they start these “peace-making” threads? Certainly not to spread the availability of the TLM to those that would or could desire it.I think you’re intentionally misinterpreting here. We still have to fight for God…but do we have to be so cutthroat when we’re trying to convince other Catholics of something?
Frankly, I’m getting sick of reading in this forum because EVERYTHING turns into a fight. Nothing is put charitably. I’m ashamed to say it, but we Traditionalists are not representing ourselves very well on this forum. A lot of our posts sound egotistical. That is not the way to win people over to our way of thinking.
I’m not backing down on any of my beliefs. I simply think that many of us are too proud…and I’m not pointing any fingers.
Personally, I find discussions with Protestants and even atheists much more friendly than those who come prepared to fight the Church traditionalists and say they come in peace.
*Timeo Danaos et dona ferentis! *(I fear the Greeks, even if they offer gifts.)
I guess the only viable solution is to put these individuals on ignore and keep them there. They’re out of my hands.