I found this article over at First Things rather refreshing.
I tend to agree about him even with regards to the elaborate clerical ornamentation. I recall a few weeks ago, there was an online discussion about whether or not the papal tiara should be brought back. This is not the exact same issue, but I think it’s an example of the “imperial” hierarchy. We need to stop this kind of clericalism.
What do you think? How can we actually do this at an institutional level? After all, many bishops and priests themselves are perfectly fine and “evangelical.” So beyond individual personality, how can we actually reform the church itself?
The basic thrust of the article is to say that bishops and priests need to regain their original “evangelical” purpose: to be fathers above administrators.Exalted titles and elaborate uniforms, for example, tend to distance bishops from their priests and people, and also subtly nudge them toward self-important and self-referential ways of thinking and acting. As the recent catastrophic scandals demonstrate, too many bishops have proven unable to act as pastors and evangelists and have instead behaved as managers and bureaucrats. The current crisis in the Catholic Church reveals that the clerical culture in which bishops and priests live is in many ways diseased and deformed, requiring renewal through the fire of divine love and the revealed truth of the Word of God.
I tend to agree about him even with regards to the elaborate clerical ornamentation. I recall a few weeks ago, there was an online discussion about whether or not the papal tiara should be brought back. This is not the exact same issue, but I think it’s an example of the “imperial” hierarchy. We need to stop this kind of clericalism.
What do you think? How can we actually do this at an institutional level? After all, many bishops and priests themselves are perfectly fine and “evangelical.” So beyond individual personality, how can we actually reform the church itself?