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Here is the type of clothes my pastor wears around…
Here is the type of clothes my pastor wears around…
I stopped subscribing years ago, gave it another shot, found that the political undercurrent was becoming more polarized, gave up.What reason? Because you didn’t like one article?
Respectfully opinion only. PonderingYes, but Christ didn’t tell us to come as kings, but as slaves.
Jesus seeks not glitter nor clamor>>could careless what one is wearing? Jesus taught in open fields every where, did not need a grand place to give us His Spoken Word did he?What was Jesus and apostles clothing?
In Jesus time and even Jesus >>>maybe had one cloak and a pair of sandals and baths were far and few maybe?
Jesus did not live in a glamorous mansion either did he, nor sought such?
Jesus teaches us, do not serve the desires of the flesh.but Jesus seeks out>>searcher of Hearts, Souls and Minds, matters not what you are wearing jeans or other wise does it?
Do you not know>>you>>are the Temple of the Lord?
Is this not where our Heavenly Father wants to be Glorified, Worship, where he seeks to rest within each one of us?
Peace Just opinionAs written>>I am right where you stand…
Only 5% of Catholics live in the US, so why should American sensibilities be the driving force behind reform of Church traditions? Titles such as “my lord” or “your excellency” are used in many countries / cultures outside of the US in a secular context.The “largest” title in the U.S. is Mr. President. Your honor for a judge, and noting much else. Where do we really need this nostalgic Middle Age idiocy in today’s Roman Catholic Church.
One man’s modernism … A Protestant poster I have friendly dealings with on another website argues that the modernist rot set in much earlier. Here’s a short snippet from something he posted the other day.As I said in another thread, Modernism is rampant in the Church these days. Sad seeing so many posters here subscribe to that heresy.
Prince in the Hebrew language means leader. So the Apostles and bishops were princes.You’re confusing the existence of the episcopate and the hierarchy itself with what the author of the article refers to as the “imperial episcopate.”
Even in the first century, bishops and simple priests didn’t yet distinguish themselves with elaborate clerical garb. Of the research I’ve done, they wore the same daily clothes as everyone else. And, like the author said, they were father figures. Not “princes.”