I've been slapped!

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Argh! Those places are awful. It’s really rather sad too. They only wish to hear what they want to hear and don’t want to actually hear (or read) that just maybe they might be wrong.

Also, I find it interesting that the baptistboard place, among others (Fresh Hope - yikes!) spew such hatred for others, especially the Catholic Church. And if you are a Catholic or sympathetic towards said Church, you’ll get blasted with that venom. (Luckily, they seem to forget about the Orthodox!). Real Christian behavior. Not!

Thankfully, when I’ve been to Catholic message boards, like this one and catholic-convert, everyone is nice and no one gets nasty or spews such hatred. And those other boards claim we’re not Christian? They need to look at how they act before they tell such lies.

Sorry for the rant. But those boards just get my blood pressure up! 😃
Shoot…I thought I was the only one to get tossed off a “Christian” forum for posting non agrresive Catholic posts. Cryin’ shame…

I’m glad I can come in here and have dialog and disagreements with SPOKENWORD and others who act like honest, intelligent Christians, and who just might (Holy Spirit moving them so) come home. Regardless, I’m grateful for the patience and tolerance that is shown here. We really do take a lot more flak than those other forums do. Is it because we really aren’t afraid? I think so.

Well I guess I just got my hands slapped. I have been banned from the baptistboard. I used to be a protestant but now I’m Catholic and I guess they didn’t like that. What fun is it to have a dialogue with only like minded people? It seems to me like they are afraid of real answers to explain Catholism.
If you had been banned for flaming or trolling, then the act would have been justified, since most discussion forums disallow such behaviour. However, if one were banned because of honest disagreement, even though such disagreement was expressed in a most cordial manner, then it is clearly unjust.

Well, in any case, when two people or more absolutely agree on everything, what then is the use of a “discussion” forum? What is there to discuss?

Gerry 🙂
He who corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse …
Proverbs 9:7
Church Militant:
I’m glad I can come in here and have dialog and disagreements with SPOKENWORD and others who act like honest, intelligent Christians, and who just might (Holy Spirit moving them so) come home. Regardless, I’m grateful for the patience and tolerance that is shown here. We really do take a lot more flak than those other forums do. Is it because we really aren’t afraid? I think so.

Discussion only deepens my faith in God and his Church. This is the reason that I like this forum. Those who come here want to talk to Catholics, those who are on the other boards don’t want to. Glad to be here.😃
Paul said be all things to all people. If a Baptist or any other protestant has the actual faith confidence that they themselves teach they will be able to handle a conversation with any other person on any topic.

I have been on both sides of the fence. I will never in this life bash the Lords Church again. The sad thing about this is the fact that the Protestants feel like they are defending Christ and themselves from false teachings.

From a perspective of Global thinking I feel it’s a shame that people can be divided over Christ on any level. Just imagine if there was only one universal church without division. I feel that much more could be done in a house undivided. Then again I’m sure that God can work in spite of our petty divisions in the world.

I’ve been to those Baptist websites. The problem I have with talking to them is not about their beliefs, but the fact that they get into great arguments with us Catholics over some lie they believe about the Catholic church. Once a Baptist told me that us Catholics do not believe Jesus is our savior. I corrected her by saying that Catholics do indeed believe Jesus is our savior. Then other Baptists began posting messages about how horrible Catholics are for not believing that Jesus is savior. I told them there was no reason to get all bent out of shape because that is one thing that Catholics and Baptists agree on–Jesus is our savior. But they INSISTED that Catholics did not believe Jesus was our savior. I assured them that we do believe that. But they still argued!! It seemed like they were willing to believe any myth about the Church even after they have been set straight!! Talk about frustrating!!
that’s because they are deaf to hearing what you have to say. You can tell them till you are blue in the face! It will take the HS to change their hearts (and ears! 🙂 ) (Believe me, I’ve tried to speak to my own Baptist family, and they are profoundly deaf. 😦 )
I don’t know the board that you speak of, but getting banned from a board is not a badge of honor.

I see it all too often Protestant and Catholic Boards alike coming in and saying, “I got banned from this board – as if it proves the inhospitality of the people involved.”

Not saying that certain boards can be inhospitable but most are not.

Some boards are really only designed for followers of a certain faith and are not intended for outside polemic from other Denominations and Faiths.

Other boards, like Catholic Answers, do allow the voice of other Faiths to speak about their views. However, you must keep in mind, as I try to do on this board, that you are a guest and you should be respectful. State your differences and try to help with clarification, but do so in a respectful manner. If someone gets banned from one of these boards they were not behaving appropriately.

Unfortunately this does mean that you will hear some very derogatory things said about your faith that the moderators do not curb, but turn the other cheek and speak politely and true when this happens – counter with relevant evidence and not anger.
Shibboleth, I respectfully disagree with you. I did not behave inappropriately. For Bapistboard you just have to state a different opinion to be kicked off.

Shibboleth, I respectfully disagree with you. I did not behave inappropriately. For Bapistboard you just have to state a different opinion to be kicked off.

So then it was a board only intended for Baptists. I would not go stating my beliefs on a board only designed for Catholics.

It is kind of like going into a Baptist bible study group at their Church – it is not the place for outside polemic. They would be more than welcome to let you sit in and listen, and perhaps even contribute to a point – but it is not the place to argue against their Faith.

On their front page they have this listed, they even went so far as to underline Baptist Community.

BaptistBoard.com is a free discussion forum for the Baptist community.
We believe that open and honest exchange of ideas can be beneficial to all participants.
But they still argued!! It seemed like they were willing to believe any myth about the Church even after they have been set straight!! Talk about frustrating!!
hehe, don’t be too frustrated. some people (like me), when they want to find out about something, they go the source with an open mind and willing to learn, and find out what they want. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but there ARE protestants out there as open minded and fabulous as me! 😉 j/k
At least you had an opportunity to get kicked off. They declined my registration. 🙂

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
So then it was a board only intended for Baptists. I would not go stating my beliefs on a board only designed for Catholics.

It is kind of like going into a Baptist bible study group at their Church – it is not the place for outside polemic. They would be more than welcome to let you sit in and listen, and perhaps even contribute to a point – but it is not the place to argue against their Faith.

On their front page they have this listed, they even went so far as to underline Baptist Community.

BaptistBoard.com is a free discussion forum for the Baptist community.

We believe that open and honest exchange of ideas can be beneficial to all participants.
You state for instance that a Bible Study Group is "not a place for outside polemics", but there’s a Baptist member on this board that said than in sunday school the minister preached a lot against the Catholic Church.:confused:
You state for instance that a Bible Study Group is "not a place for outside polemics", but there’s a Baptist member on this board that said than in sunday school the minister preached a lot against the Catholic Church.:confused:
Just using a poor analogy… I am not saying that everyone involved is being ethical in their discourse. I am against talking negatively about someone and not letting them represent themselves, but it is a closed community and they make that distinction clear.

It is a message board designed by Baptists for Baptists only – this needs to be respected. Going there and arguing with them isn’t probably going to make any headway anyways…

Don’t enter a house in which you are not invited.

There are other arenas in which to counter the arguments.

I personally wouldn’t teach about other denominations in Sunday School – the writing in the Bible are enough for an adult to dedicate a life to understanding – I think this would be time better spent. However, speaking negatively about someone on the outside is not the same as an outsider coming in and speaking against it…

I may talk to my children about the evils of pornography but I am not going to let a person from Playboy Magazine into my house to argue otherwise.

Not that I consider Catholicism anything close to pornography – just using an easy example to understand. I think that the Catholic Church is a noble institution that the Baptists could learn a great deal from…
I was reading a thread there with all sorts of outrageous allegations about Catholics. One poster invited Catholics onto the thread to refute it. When none showed he felt he had ‘won’ although if they are banning or refusing membership of Catholics, they aren’t going to get the truth.
Don’t throw pearls to the swine!🙂
Is this a display of Pride or Wrath… I am not sure which deadly sin to attribute it too…
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