Some of Sweetcakes posts>
I was raised Catholic, in the 50’s and got spoiled by wonderful music and I have to admit I’m a bit of a snob. I’ve gone to some Protestant services and some of it’s good and some of it sets my teeth on edge (but I figure sitting through it takes off some of my Purgatory time )
Because it’s slimming.
Evidently you’re not paying enough attention to your own devotion at Mass and have turned into a prayer enforcer.
Personally, I think you need to keep your mind on the Mass, mind your own business, and remember the scripture about “taking the log out of your own eye” etc. etc.
Only if you can’t read could you disagree. There ARE some very mean people posting here and they should be ashamed of themselves.
SWEETCAKES sometimes the problem with the written word is it can be misinterpreted like the Bible.
On this forum we don’t have eye contact, facial expressions, or anything else.
I expect if we were all sitting round a table we would gain a better perspective, or a message board.
I’ve been on some mean non Catholic boards and got kicked off because they didn’t want to know, soon as you start quoting things from the Catholic Church it’s like a red rag to a bull.
I’m not bothered or upset about being kicked off, it’s their loss, like I told some of them, it’s time to shake the dust from my sandals.
The politics thread is definately heated to say the least, and why being from over here I don’t intend to respond to, unless offcourse they mention this part of the world.
Anyway if we don’t like the heat, we should stay out of the kitchen, and your right about the speck and the log up above, so lets not forget it.