I've been thinking of converting

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I am offended that you would reject the Catholic faith because of a few people on a web site. You are not really considering becoming Catholic.
I don’t think it’s fair to make that sort of assumption. Although I don’t think it’s a good idea to judge a faith entirely by its followers, it’s understandable how somone could see a group of Catholics acting one way (although they may not represent the religion as a whole), and think that they do not want to be associated with “those type of people”.
People are people what ever faith you end up being.
But this is also true, which is why I don’t think one should base a religious decision entirely on a few of its followers.
I And I also agree with Susan’s comment, that no matter what religion you turn to, there are going to be rude, mean-spirited, etc. people. That’s just life. If you are making a decision about religion, it should be about the message, beliefs, etc. of the religion itself, not just a decision based entirely on some of the followers of the religion (or those that claim to be followers), although it can be a factor… 🙂
There is a reason why there are over 30,000 religous denominations in the world. In my observation of some of our local non-catholic churches.When there is disagreement they tend to split and found a new church. Catholics tend more to stay in the ring and fight it out.
There is a reason why there are over 30,000 religous denominations in the world. In my observation of some of our local non-catholic churches.When there is disagreement they tend to split and found a new church. Catholics tend more to stay in the ring and fight it out.
May be true for some. I suppose you are talking here about other Christian denominations? If you are talking about different religious denominations in general, then not all are because there was a “little disagreement” and a new church was founded. Many are because the beliefs are too different to remain united under one Church. And I wouldn’t say that Catholics are the only ones that tend to “fight it out”. I know many non-Catholics, that are firm enough in their beliefs that they wouldn’t let a disagreement cause them to go off and find another church/religion.
But after reading so much of this board, with some of the mean-spirited posts, unkind remarks, uncharitible attitudes, put-downs and condemnation of people who disagree, I’ve decided the Catholic Church isn’t for me.

I’m currently a Protestant and reading this board has opened my eyes to the fact that Catholicism isn’t for me. I love my church home and I’ll stay where I am, happily now.

I’ll be in prayer for you all. And I hope some of the posters here will think about how they appear to non-Catholics. Very little of what I’ve seen here has attracted me and made me want to convert.
Judge the Catholic Faith by those who are faithful to her teachings…a good example would be our current Pope. Please don’t let a Catholic Forum turn you away from the Church. And if any of my post have been un-Christian, then I’m sorry.
But after reading so much of this board, with some of the mean-spirited posts, unkind remarks, uncharitible attitudes, put-downs and condemnation of people who disagree, I’ve decided the Catholic Church isn’t for me.

I’m currently a Protestant and reading this board has opened my eyes to the fact that Catholicism isn’t for me. I love my church home and I’ll stay where I am, happily now.

I’ll be in prayer for you all. And I hope some of the posters here will think about how they appear to non-Catholics. Very little of what I’ve seen here has attracted me and made me want to convert.
Before anyone gets too worked up over this bleeding heart post, I urge you to go to Sweetcakes public profile and do a search on her posts. Then come back and tell me who is being “mean-spirited.”
But after reading so much of this board, with some of the mean-spirited posts, unkind remarks, uncharitible attitudes, put-downs and condemnation of people who disagree, I’ve decided the Catholic Church isn’t for me.

I’m currently a Protestant and reading this board has opened my eyes to the fact that Catholicism isn’t for me. I love my church home and I’ll stay where I am, happily now.

I’ll be in prayer for you all. And I hope some of the posters here will think about how they appear to non-Catholics. Very little of what I’ve seen here has attracted me and made me want to convert.

Some of Sweetcakes posts>
I was raised Catholic, in the 50’s and got spoiled by wonderful music and I have to admit I’m a bit of a snob. I’ve gone to some Protestant services and some of it’s good and some of it sets my teeth on edge (but I figure sitting through it takes off some of my Purgatory time )​

Because it’s slimming.​

Evidently you’re not paying enough attention to your own devotion at Mass and have turned into a prayer enforcer.

Personally, I think you need to keep your mind on the Mass, mind your own business, and remember the scripture about “taking the log out of your own eye” etc. etc.​

Only if you can’t read could you disagree. There ARE some very mean people posting here and they should be ashamed of themselves.​

SWEETCAKES sometimes the problem with the written word is it can be misinterpreted like the Bible.
On this forum we don’t have eye contact, facial expressions, or anything else.
I expect if we were all sitting round a table we would gain a better perspective, or a message board.
I’ve been on some mean non Catholic boards and got kicked off because they didn’t want to know, soon as you start quoting things from the Catholic Church it’s like a red rag to a bull.
I’m not bothered or upset about being kicked off, it’s their loss, like I told some of them, it’s time to shake the dust from my sandals.
The politics thread is definately heated to say the least, and why being from over here I don’t intend to respond to, unless offcourse they mention this part of the world.
Anyway if we don’t like the heat, we should stay out of the kitchen, and your right about the speck and the log up above, so lets not forget it.
Sorry, guys… your apologies appear to be too late! She posted on November 3 and hasn’t seemed to come back and hear your apologies or explainations.

The fact is, there are many protestant churches out there who treat newcomers much better than any Catholic parish I’ve been to. They’re warmer, friendlier, and easier to approach. Many people get turned off BEFORE they even go visiting the Internet to seek the Truth.

Pharisees exist in every age and there are a LOT of Pharisees in this community. The Pharisees were not a bunch of sadistic meanies who thought it would be fun to kill Jesus - they were devout law-abiders who were simply unable to recognize the New Covenant when it came. They loved God and thought they were doing the right thing by having a disruptive heretic put to death.

People who get all uptight over whether or not some parish holds hands during the Our Father or uses glass chalices are pharisees. It’s one thing to recognize and dislike a liturgical abuse, but quite another to let it define Catholicism for you.

I’m not agitating for ordaining women or gay marriage - I’m a conservative Catholic, in fact - but this past election has brought out a VERY ugly side to the conservative factor and I don’t doubt that it has been a grave scandal to many.
50+ years as a Catholic, and 10+ years as a catechist for the RCIA have convinced me that people become Catholic and/or remain Catholic in spite of, not because of, the words and actions of Catholics
…- but this past election has brought out a VERY ugly side to the conservative factor and I don’t doubt that it has been a grave scandal to many.
I disagree. This past election brought out a very uplifting and beautiful faith, conservatives are no longer lying down and allowing their country to be hijacked by the secularist and I say BRAVO!
puzzleannie said:
50+ years as a Catholic, and 10+ years as a catechist for the RCIA have convinced me that people become Catholic and/or remain Catholic in spite of, not because of, the words and actions of Catholics


Some of Sweetcakes posts>
I was raised Catholic, in the 50’s and got spoiled by wonderful music and I have to admit I’m a bit of a snob. I’ve gone to some Protestant services and some of it’s good and some of it sets my teeth on edge (but I figure sitting through it takes off some of my Purgatory time )​

Because it’s slimming.​

Evidently you’re not paying enough attention to your own devotion at Mass and have turned into a prayer enforcer.

Personally, I think you need to keep your mind on the Mass, mind your own business, and remember the scripture about “taking the log out of your own eye” etc. etc.​

Only if you can’t read could you disagree. There ARE some very mean people posting here and they should be ashamed of themselves.​

SWEETCAKES sometimes the problem with the written word is it can be misinterpreted like the Bible.
On this forum we don’t have eye contact, facial expressions, or anything else.
I expect if we were all sitting round a table we would gain a better perspective, or a message board.
I’ve been on some mean non Catholic boards and got kicked off because they didn’t want to know, soon as you start quoting things from the Catholic Church it’s like a red rag to a bull.
I’m not bothered or upset about being kicked off, it’s their loss, like I told some of them, it’s time to shake the dust from my sandals.
The politics thread is definately heated to say the least, and why being from over here I don’t intend to respond to, unless offcourse they mention this part of the world.
Anyway if we don’t like the heat, we should stay out of the kitchen, and your right about the speck and the log up above, so lets not forget it.
You left out my personal favorite…
Sorry to ruin your opportunity to hate Michael Moore but he never said it.

You’ll just have to find someone else to vent your spleen on.
Sounds like not-so-Sweet to me…
Sweetcakes & all you other who have such thin skin.

I am a convert having been Catholic for 49 years. I have never had one minutes time considering to leave Holy Mother Church.

Sweetcakes seemed to want to determine her conversion based upon what she read on this Forum. That is wrong!

It is the Holy Spirit that causes a soul to convert to The Church. A forum or your neighbors will not bring you to The Church…it is the Holy Spirit. So maybe the Holy Spirit is not ready to bring Sweetcakes in.

One other thing is this: In some parts of the USA the people are just naturally rude. Ignoreing them takes some practice. Some posters are rather rude or they are ignorant, ignore them.
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