I am constantly amazed by the number of people in this forum who either don’t understand hypothetical questions or consider them useless. You won’t find many psychology courses that don’t use them to some extent. And for good reason.This is why I compare it to the trolley dilemma, and why I say it’s useless. Philosophy is good only insofar as it has meaning, and how does a thing have meaning except in our experience of it?
You will often find yourself making decisions that have implications that you wouldn’t normally entertain. You might pull the lever but not push the fat man (as per the trolley problem). Whatever anyone chooses, it’s an opportunity to dig a little deeper as to why we make the decisions we do.
If you don’t like the specific scenario that the op has proposed then perhaps offer a slightly different scenario. Would you expect a ppriest to minister to someone’s spiritual needs as opposed to physical if that person was an atheist for example.