Ive lost my faith

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Here are a few things on pain and suffering from one of my favorite saints, Saint Josemaria Escriva:

“There can be no doubt that for us who love Jesus, prayer is the great pain reliever

“God loves us infinitely more than you love yourself. So let him make demands on you.”

“If we join our little things, those insignificant or big difficulties of ours, to the great sufferings of our Lord, the Victim (the only Victim!), their value will increase. They will become treasure, and then we will take up the Cross of Christ gladly and with style.
And every suffering will soon be overcome: nobody, nothing at all, will be able to take away our peace and our cheerfulness.”

“To find the Cross is to find Christ”

“The Lord, the Eternal Priest, always blesses with the Cross”

“When you walk where Christ walked; when you are no longer just resigned to the Cross, but your whole soul takes on its form-takes on its very shape; when you love the will of God; when you actually love the Cross- then, only then, is it He who carries it.”
My names Lauralouise,
if god exists then why is he punishing my family and me like this!!! weve never done anything bad in our lives!!!
My faith is gone and i just dont know what to do any more, i cant cope with being the strong one any more, im only 23!, i cant take it!!
Honey, what could have happened to hurt you and your family so? I am so sorry…and I can feel your obvious pain. Please don’t just leave…Jesus and Mary have not deserted you and you are not being punished…let us help you with love.
God definately exists! If you don’t believe that, things will only get worse for you, guarenteed. All that hard times are is God calling you closer to Him. You need to listen to that call. Go to Mass every week, pray, pray, pray, read good Catholic books, talk to priests. If you try to get closer to God, He will keep drawing you to Him! Remember that suffering can be used for your benefit-offer all your pain to God to make up for sins (go to confession too, of course). Hard tim,es in your life can actually turn out to be the most enriching times of your life; I speak from experience. The best thing for my spiritual well being, believe it or not, was my dad’s sudden death in a car accident three years ago. It hurt like heck but it drew me much closer to God and made me a much more spiritual person and in love with my Catholic Faith!! Things WILL get better-“This too shall pass”.
Prayers headed up for you!

Perhaps a read through the book of JOB in the bible is warranted. It won’t give you answers. But it IS an interestesting story about God and suffering. And a search for answers that cannot be finished here on earth.
Try thinking about some of the past church leaders, saints, or even Christ himself and what they have gone through.

When tough times come my way, I try to remind me of John Paul II and how he watched his homeland fall to Nazis, then years how he lead his people to stand up against the communists. He never lost his faith.

A great priest told me in confession once that God will never send things our way that we can not handle. Keep the faith and everything will work out. Always.

You’re in my prayers.
Sometimes what we think are “punishments” aren’t- they may be tests. They may be leading up to something good. Who knows? God has a plan- He knows what’s going to happen and we don’t. So we have to have faith in that plan. We have to believe that whatever is going to happen, God loves us and knows that if we keep coming back to Him, even in times of turmoil, that everything will turn out okay in the long run. Might be tomorrow, might be 20 years from now. Just keep praying and ask God for help. :gopray: 👍 big hug

~Stacey ☘️
Try thinking about some of the past church leaders, saints, or even Christ himself and what they have gone through.
many things in this life are reletive. that is, when compared to other events, things that seem so horrible become trivial.

Example: while in the MS and LA gulf coast, i filled in for a paramedic shift in a district that covers Interstate 10. a call came out around dusk for a motor vehicle accident with injuries. our medic unti beat the police and fire engine to the scene, and it was a two car collision with one car wrapped around a tree, and partially involved in flames. the father driving the car was ejected, and the mom and small daughter were still inside, with the mom pinned by the dashboard. my partner smashed the back window and got the girl out, while i worked with a crowbar to try and rip the passenger side door open. the flames then started to ignite the dash, and spread.

i fought and fought to tear the door off with my bare hands and crowbar, but it wasnt long before the flames ignited the seats and upholstery. i layed down on the ground as far away from the fire as i could, all the time hearing the woman screaming and pleading while she burned. everyone, and i mean everyone was yelling for me to get out because the car would eventually explode.

i just remember looking above me and seeing her arms outside her window, on fire and banging her fists on the door in agony. my partner sprayed the fire extinguisher several times, but it didnt even make a dent, and all it did was get on the woman’s already burned skin causing her even more pain.

all i could think to do was just spray the extinguisher all out to try and put out the fire, but partly because the carbon dioxide from it causes immediate hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and the person passes out, and eventually stops breathing.

the screaming stopped after about 5-8 seconds of spraying, but i honestly dont know whether it was from the burns or from the CO2. but you could still hear the fizzling of the water and fats from the womans body.

to top it all off, when fire got there and hosed the car down to put out the flames, the woman’s head exploded right in front of us.

horrific, but absolutly true. eveything i tell you here happened within 5-6 minutes or so, a 5 minutes that actually made me think about (very briefly) going to the hotel and using my police sidearm on myself.

its not my fault. things arent often YOUR fault either. its just the way life happens. the best we can do is to play the hand were are dealt, and ask God to “hit me” with some compassion, love and strength…
Always ask god about what is infront of you and ask why he placed it before you, what is he trying to teach you? If you do this, self searching, rather than dispair takes over your heart.

Remember this, even though you FEEL you have lost faith, He has not lost faith in you. He will place before you things, only because he believes in you so very much, as the one to handle this. If they are abundant, so is the faith he has in you!

Feelings of dispair are what keeps us from grasping tightly onto the lord. You know enough to seek help and friendship. You can have this in the Lord and are about to discover this. You have that nasty dude down below, shakin in his boots for fear of loosing you. He works double time at making sure he attacks the weakest part of you…like self doubt. Buck up, tell him to hit the road…he can not stay where he is not welcome!

Recognise the attack on your heart, get rid of the influence, send him packing in the name of your Lord, Jesus Christ. Upon that moment call upon the lord to fill you with the strength to endure, to make the heartache go away, and to hold you . HE WILL! Just you wait and see! Then re-group and the task is never that difficult when you have the strength of your God in your heart.

I will pray for you sweetheart. I have lost a son a year and a half ago, refused councel, no suport team at home, and my faith was knowlege, but not placed by me-into my life. The people here since this summer, have been my friends, we play, party, joke, discuss things, and when ever a crisis, we rally together like no one can amagine. We get each other through it!

Come back, you will see, we will not abandon you, you are our sister in Christ!..And we love you dear!
LauraLouise, I am sorry that you are going through so much. It is a terrible feeling when it seems like you cannot see any light at all, but you have come to a wonderful place that is full of folks that care about you & what you are going through/

I am putting you in my list of prayer intentions, right now. Be assured that there are lots of others here who are doing the same.

And remember that, even when it seems that you have no faith left at all, that God still loves you, He still believes in you…

God bless you.
My names Lauralouise,
if god exists then why is he punishing my family and me like this!!! weve never done anything bad in our lives!!!
My faith is gone and i just dont know what to do any more, i cant cope with being the strong one any more, im only 23!, i cant take it!!

I have been where you are at. In fact one time I was so angry at God I started keeping a list of all the things he had “done” to me. As the years went by I would look at the list and start crossing things off-the reason for them had became apparent. So let me share with you something that helps get me through the hard times. EVERY alleged tragdey or hardship in my life has turned out to have a good purpose in the end. I just needed the patience to find out why.

You have taken the first step in getting through this current crisis. You have admited that you cant cope with it . I could not agree with you more-NONE OF US CAN. But HE can. The Lord can cope with these problems-your problems, my problems EVERYONES PROBLEMS. That what he is there for.

Think about the Promises he has made us in scripture:

1Peter 5:7

Cast your cares on the Lord
for he cares for you

Note it doesnt tell us to tell the Lord about our problems-heck we can find all sorts of people to do that with.It says GIVE them to him. That verse was such a life saver for me it has been attached to all my emals both business and personal for the last 15 years.

Psalm 37:

"The Lord makes safe the path of the ones he love
though you may stumble you will never fall
for he holds you by the hand

Lauralousie he is holdng you by the hand-he is waiting for you to let go of these problems . Turn them over to the LORD Lauralouise -it will set you free!
Lauralouise…we are here, gently awaiting your return, have said our peace, but we keep looking, as peace will not befall us unless we can help a fellow Christian get home!

There is a candle in the window for you sweetheart! We are here!

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Hi its Lauralouise,

Im sorry that it has taken me so long to get back, things have not changed since i posted my first message.

When i read all of the heart felt messages that everyone has sent to me in reguards of my plight it made me cry…

so many people have offered advice and said that they would say a prayer for my family and myself, i didnt realise that there was so many kind people in the world that would do this for a complete stranger.

It is some comfort to me that there are caring people in this cruel and harsh world, i just hope that you are all right about God always being with me, the worst i fear is yet to come. i hope that you all will still be willing to listen.

Thankyou… everyone.

Hi its Lauralouise,

Im sorry that it has taken me so long to get back, things have not changed since i posted my first message.

When i read all of the heart felt messages that everyone has sent to me in reguards of my plight it made me cry…

so many people have offered advice and said that they would say a prayer for my family and myself, i didnt realise that there was so many kind people in the world that would do this for a complete stranger.

It is some comfort to me that there are caring people in this cruel and harsh world, i just hope that you are all right about God always being with me, the worst i fear is yet to come. i hope that you all will still be willing to listen.

Thankyou… everyone.

We will always be willing to listen…and pray with you and for you. Now, we might ‘kick your cyber butt’ sometimes to get you off the pity pot, but we do it only out of love, and because we want you to join Christ and His Mother in fighting for your dignity and your strength. No matter what, baby girl, you are worthy of love and hope and happiness. Hang in there.

No matter what you must never forget that the Lord loves you. Those who cry out to the Lord for mercy are those that know and love God. Many others do not turn to God or curse him for their plight. Bad things do happen to good people. The rain falls on both the evil and the just.

You are not alone as you can see from the outpouring of sympathy, encouragement, and prayer from you Catholic brothers and sisters on this thread. You are a sweetheart to God just as Job was considered a loyal servant of God. We live in a valley of tears with many sufferings. Some suffer more than others and we cannot possibly imagine their pain. Upon those that are faithful, God will send his glory. Let the Lord live and reign in your heart no matter how difficult the trial. He will eventually wipe away every tear. Unite your suffering to those of the Lord for it is as the apostle Paul says in Col. 1:24 “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,”

You are not alone and you will be in my prayers and in the prayers of everyone else who has read your note. May God bless you in this time of need.
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