Pretending that the future never exists, or that it isn’t important, is very short-sighted. No, I’m not going to ignore potential and how things can be in the future because the way things are today is not the way they will always be. A lot of serious problems in the world occur because people only think about the world “as it exists right now” instead of thinking long-term.
What are you talking about. IVF and Artificial Wombs are two VERY different things. In Vitro Fertilization is where eggs and sperm are combined inside of a petri dish and then reinserted into a woman’s uterus. Meanwhile Artificial Wombs are where a currently-existing unborn child is taken out of a woman’s uterus and moved to a life-support apparatus. Neither of these require the other one in order to work!
You sound like a luddite right now, acting like if a technology is strange and unnatural it therefore it must be evil. You have yet to explain how Artificial Wombs are in any way different from
Neonatal Intensive Care Units, and I suspect you will continue to completly ignore this glaring hole in your argument.
While it will provide an easy way to get rid of unplanned pregnancies, there already is a thing that does this. That’s why artificial wombs are a great thing; they are a non-murderous alternative to abortions and will save lives. As for possible risk to unborn children in the planning phase, that can easily be averted with animal testing (perfect the technology on rats or apes, then adapt it for humans).
I find it a bit jarring how you seem to value abstract unfeeling ideas over physical human beings. Would you just prefer if people kept getting abortions, because that’s the alternative.
Artificial Wombs would actually SOLVE this problem, as it would allow those embryos to develop in a safe environment and be born. Once born they would be put up for adoption and taken in by good parents.