Thal59 said:
1) Did the western church send the crusades to liberate the east, or was it the other way around?
Apart from the dislike felt in Rome that the Holy Places were under the control of non-Christians, there was no great need for the Crusades. The native Christians of the region had long ago settled into a modus vivendi with the Muslim rulers and provided they did nothing to antagonize them and provided they paid their taxes they lived in peace.
If it was so shameful for the Church of Rome that Jerusalem was controlled by non-Christians, why does Rome not raise new armies today and lead a Crusade to liberate it from its present day non-Christian rulers?
The Crusades brought immense suffering to the Christians of the Near East. They were just as vicious to the Christians as to the Jews and the Muslims. Blood flowed like water in Jerusalem and it was Orthodox blood as well as the Jews and Muslims. The Fourth Crusade captured and destroyed the greatest and most Christian city in the world, Constantinople, and murdered enormous number of Orthodox Christians, looted all their cathedrals and sent the loot back to Western Europe. Your bloody Crusades did more damage to Eastern Christendom than the Muslims ever did. Why do you think that Pope has apologized for them?
- If so, when did the Eastern Orthodox church ever liberate Rome from the Turks, Saracens, Moors, Muslims etc.
If you really know your history you will know that the Muslims almost made it into Western Europe on two ocassions. In 1680 the Muslims actually made it as far as Vienna. Western Europe was in fear of the end of itr civilisation. The West fought them off on that ocassion but it was the ORTHODOX nations of Eastern Europe who fought them time and again and acted as a buffer for the West and bore the brunt of the Muslim aggression. You should be grateful.
- Of all the cities, nations, or principalities mentioned in the bible, which became Christian and has remained Christian ever since?
a) Read the Book of Revelation. Of the Seven Cities it mentions five are reproached and two are blessed by God and their lampstands will not be taken away. Which are those cities? Are the Christians and bishops there today Orthodox or Catholic?
If you want to look at places better known to Western Christians and mentioned in the Bible, there is Athens, Thessalonica, Crete, Cyprus, etc., etc and other cities where the Apostles preached.
- Jerusalem, Antioch, Istanbul (formely Constantinople), Rome. Which of the above is not currently controlled by either the Jews, Muslims, or both?
Christ the Saviour was born into a country occupied by the Romans. What’s your point? The Russian Church has just emerged from 70 years of persecution and is experiecing a springtime and a rejuvenation which makes it the envy of every other Church in the world. It is the largest national Church in the world.
Your question is interesting from another perspective… Jerusalem, Antioch and Constantinople are cities of believers and cities of faith, even if it is Islam, but Rome and Paris and Copenhagen are cities of atheism and their faith is not secure. They are sick with the malaise of Western civilisation. But do not worry, just as we rescued you from the Muslim advances we shall rescue you from this spiritual illness as well. Very soon, our Churches of Eastern Europe shall be in a position to help you. The Pope himself has said that it will be Orthodoxy which will revive the flagging Christianity of Europe. Do you doubt his wisdom and insight?
- If James was the head of the church in Jerusalem, if Antioch was the true seat of Peter, if the Eastern Orthodox church is not in schism, why is Rome (where Peter and Paul evangelized and died) the capitol of the largest single denomination on earth?
Truth does not lie in numbers. If it did you should go and talk to the people at the mosque about conversion.
“We are unchanged; we are still the same as we were in the eighth century… Oh that you could only consent to be again what you were once, when we were both united in faith and communion!”
-Alexis Khomiakov