pacloc. You are an ex-Witness? Well I’ll be! I see you made it to the Catholic Church.
Welcome home brother (or sister). We had an ex-Witness in one of our Catholic Bible study groups in the past.
Logically. You stated:
Tomorrow I can either go out and talk to people about God’s Kingdom with my 7 million brothers and sisters worldwide . . . .
You neglected to mention the last part of Matthew’s Gospel.
MATTHEW 28:19-20 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo,
I am with you always, to the close of the age."
Notice Jesus is with His people who He entrusted this commission with ALWAYS . . . until the end of the age.
This “age” is the “last days” that St. Peter is talking about in the (wonderful) verse you quoted. This “age” is the New Covenant era. Not just since the late 1800’s. Not merely in 1975, or 6 months from now or any other invention of men either.
2nd PETER 3:3 3 First of all you must understand this, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own passions
Again notice Jesus is
with His people who He entrusted this commission with
ALWAYS . . . until the end of the age. Jesus didn’t just begin being with His people in the late 1800’s. (Yes Catholics affirm Jesus Second Coming)
NOT MATTHEW 28:19-20 (PHANTOM VERSE) 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am not with you until almost 2000 years from now when I will send Charles Taze Russell to invent a new religion, deny me, ridiculers with their ridicule against my disciples, and build “God’s organization”. So don’t worry about Pioneering until CTR comes along.
So when you say . . .
Tomorrow I can either go out and talk to people about God’s Kingdom with my 7 million brothers and sisters worldwide (Matthew 24:14)
Don’t forget to include “over the last two thousand years” but then again if you said that, it would be quite obvious that Matthew’s Gospel cannot be referring to new-fangled traditions of men recently invented. It would be quite obvious that Matthew’s Gospel cannot be referring to the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
A Witness with any integrity, cannot honestly say:
Tomorrow I can either go out and talk to people about God’s Kingdom with my brothers and sisters worldwide here AND in union with us over the last 2000 years . . .
Catholics do honestly say that all the time . . . because it is true.
I will begin a new thread and I hope Logically to see you there.
I hold no animosity toward you personally, but I will defend the Catholic faith that Jesus gave us every chance I get. I love the fullness of the Truth (Jesus primarily and Jesus’ body, His Church, in a secondary sense). I love the Church.
And out of respect for you being here Logically, I will not use the thread title: “Laying out common errors of the Jehovah’s Witnesses”.
I’ll go with: Jehovah’s Witness Doctrinal Differences With Catholicism & Biblical Citations
I will cite this thread for contextual insight so the readers may know how this new Jehovah’s Witness thread came about.
This new title (not a particularly polemic title) should provide us with a reasonably appropriate springboard to begin our discussion. (I myself may not be contributing to speak of, at least for awhile though. But I will be watching from bed on my Android device *. If I feel up to it, . . . . I’ll be there. But the Catholics who are on this Forum are well-catechized and they will be around I am sure.).
Come. Let us reason together . . . . Biblically and logically Logically.*