It struck me at Mass during John 8:1-11 regarding “Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.” The act that is generally portrayed as mysterious and what did he write….
It comes after being challenged about Law Of Moses basically written by the finger of God on stone tablets (at least 10 Commandments). Jesus being God, the author of the tablets, in a sort of mocking gesture “re-writes” the “law” in sand. “You want something written…here ya go” . Since the people did not even seem to be living the law making all but gibberish in the sand to be blown away. Even those against Jesus and prepared to execute and struck to the heart and forced to judge with their hearts and not their minds, not rely upon some strict code of conducts especially when they can’t adhere to it…
I think it indicates the time of 613 “laws” the Jews had not grasped the law of Love and were consumed with legalities. By turning the Law not so much against them but as a mirror he shows how little they learned and actually follow it.
Author of Old and New law Jesus invites us to look in our hearts and not to wonder what it written per se. Recall nowhere does he command the Word be written which was common and could have been a command. He did not provide in stone tablets heralding his Kingship. Perhaps the fanaticism with written law and the fact they didn’t “get it” still was why Jesus taught with actions and encourages us to spread the Word by our lives and actions…
The writing on the ground was the only thing Christ wrote we’re told of. He doesn’t point to it and nowhere is it revealed what it was because it doesn’t matter if you can’t interpret with your hearts!
I’m not so good with words sometimes but odd how this Gospel which used to be so mysterious to me was all of a sudden very clear…
It comes after being challenged about Law Of Moses basically written by the finger of God on stone tablets (at least 10 Commandments). Jesus being God, the author of the tablets, in a sort of mocking gesture “re-writes” the “law” in sand. “You want something written…here ya go” . Since the people did not even seem to be living the law making all but gibberish in the sand to be blown away. Even those against Jesus and prepared to execute and struck to the heart and forced to judge with their hearts and not their minds, not rely upon some strict code of conducts especially when they can’t adhere to it…
I think it indicates the time of 613 “laws” the Jews had not grasped the law of Love and were consumed with legalities. By turning the Law not so much against them but as a mirror he shows how little they learned and actually follow it.
Author of Old and New law Jesus invites us to look in our hearts and not to wonder what it written per se. Recall nowhere does he command the Word be written which was common and could have been a command. He did not provide in stone tablets heralding his Kingship. Perhaps the fanaticism with written law and the fact they didn’t “get it” still was why Jesus taught with actions and encourages us to spread the Word by our lives and actions…
The writing on the ground was the only thing Christ wrote we’re told of. He doesn’t point to it and nowhere is it revealed what it was because it doesn’t matter if you can’t interpret with your hearts!
I’m not so good with words sometimes but odd how this Gospel which used to be so mysterious to me was all of a sudden very clear…
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