Hi, Jimmy.
It frequently occurs that folks who disagree, disagree on language, and aren’t speaking the same language at all, ultimately.
(1) Though you say, “I am ignoring nothing” after I suggest that you are ignoring Exodus 21:24, Leviticus 24:20, Deuteronomy 19:21, you don’t actually discuss those verses and what they teach us about God’s justice. In fact, Revelation itself, in Scripture, says that God’s Justice demands “a life for a life.” It’s brutal. And so, because someone had to die, Christ was substituted in for us, so that Christ had to die.
I would go so far as to say that when Augustine and Aquinas wrote, that is the “Magisterium.” In my opinion, that is a very plain error.
(2) In response to Para #271 of the Catechism…
*‘271 God’s almighty power is in no way arbitrary: “In God, power, essence, will, intellect, wisdom, and justice are all identical. Nothing therefore can be in God’s power which could not be in his just will or his wise intellect.”’ *
…which I quoted to employ Church Magisterial authority to prove that justice is “in and of” God, not something which God can cast aside if He chooses, you wrote, “I don’t see how this quote has to do with the question at hand.”
If you can’t see how your position squarely violates the Catechism, then I guess we’re speaking two different languages, here, on that point. In fact, God can’t throw out a piece of His justice any more than He can throw out a piece of divine wisdom. As the Catechism says, they are identical. I can lead the horse to water, but I can’t make him drink.
(3) In response to my request that you show where the Church has said that God could have saved in other ways, you did not. Instead, you asked me to do the work of show that the Church maintains my position.
Well, I did. The Church just did not use the sentence you demand. Instead, the Church says in Paragraph 271 of the Catechism that God’s justice and wisdom are “identical.” God can’t throw out a piece of His Own wisdom. Doing that contradicts “God-ness.”