Jesus DNA?

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I can see it now in the headlines

"Jesus’ DNA Removed From Shroud…Visitors from Planet Nyubia Proclaim Second Coming Via Clone.

This is Not Real. This is Not Real…not real.

I still don’t think mankind does a very good job at being God whether it be prolonging life or duplicating life (not only those two issues mind ya…just for brevity.)

Humbled and grateful
To say Jesus was not truly human, including DNA received from His Mother Mary, is gnosticism. I take it the OP is not Catholic.
In true reality, the earthly body of Jesus was CHANGED into a new, glorified heavenly body at his resurrection. He no longer exists in a human body. The only possible way for some mad sciencetist to “clone” another Jesus would to get a blood sample from the supposed shroud of Torin and do whatever they do to clone another Jesus. But no one really has authenticated that the shroud of Torin is the wrapping that covered the bloodied body of Jesus anyway. It most likely is a very good fake.

Anyway, Jesus received his humanity from our blessed Mother, Mary. He was fully human, but he was also fully divine. No one can really explain the blending of the two natures, for this has never happened before and never will. It is beyond our comprehension it was a reality nevertheless.

Ron from Ohio
The Outer Limits was and is one of my all time favorite shows. Great sc fi writers.
To say Jesus was not truly human, including DNA received from His Mother Mary, is gnosticism. I take it the OP is not Catholic.
One of the sad reverberations of the heresy of Sola Scriptura: ancient heresies embraced again… 😦
To say Jesus was not truly human, including DNA received from His Mother Mary, is gnosticism. I take it the OP is not Catholic.
One of the sad reverberations of the heresy of Sola Scriptura: ancient heresies embraced again… 😦
But I think a new heresy is showing up here.

Christ was fully human, so He had DNA but to say that He only has the DNA of his Mother is also in error as Christ was male. To be male He could not have had only the DNA of Mary, if He did then He would have had to have been female.
Christ was fully human, so He had DNA but to say that He only has the DNA of his Mother is also in error as Christ was male. To be male He could not have had only the DNA of Mary, if He did then He would have had to have been female.
Not only that, but if the Lord Jesus had only the blessed mother’s DNA, would not He be an exact copy of her?

I tend to think that the Holy Spirit provided the male half of the DNA for Him. Though, this is only speculation on my part. 🙂
How can you possibly say that it is all contained in the so-called Eucharist? Not even a term the Apostles used or a doctrine they taught. It sounds more like babylonian religiosity to me. I don’t know for sure who is giving you your theology; sounds more like devil talk to me
Read your Bible, Bible “believer” before you post such foolishness only to have it shoved back in your face.

St. Paul the APOSTLE relates in 1 Cor 11 that Jesus took bread and GAVE THANKS (eucharistein). So don’t call the Eucharist so-called; the term is Apostolic and Biblical.

Who’s giving us our theology? Jesus Christ, that’s who!!! Where? The Sacred Scriptures that’s where!

Learn your Greek then try again. Otherwise, clam up. Your post is rude, uncharitable, and 100% ignorant.
the Bible is clear that Jesus blood was shed on the cross and His body is now in heaven.

Here is a description of the risen Lord.

Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.
Revelation 1:12-19 And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden lampstands; And in the midst of the seven lampstands one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girded about the breast with a golden belt. His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine bronze, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shines in its strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hades and of death. Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;

This doesn’t sound like anything that has been posted about the LORD of the universe. HMMMMM?


Who of us denies this? I want a raise of hands!!! What Catholic denies the glory of the risen Lord?

Mister “Redeemed”:

Before you accuse us of being devil worshipers, take a “BIT” of time to read up on our Creeds, would you? They’ve been there for SEVENTEEN HUNDRED YEARS!!!

“We believe in Jesus Christ our Lord…he ascended into heaven and is SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER!!!” He will come again IN GLORY to judge the living and the dead. AND HIS KINGDOM WILL HAVE NO END!!!"

“We believe in the HOLY SPIRIT, the LORD, and GIVER OF LIFE…With the Father and the Son he is WORSHIPED AND GLORIFIED!!!” GLORIFIED!!! with the Father and the SON!!!

I DARE you to deny even just THESE articles. Otherwise you agree with us, and just because of these we CANNOT be Babylonian devil-worshippers.

And since you started this thread: deny Christ’s DNA, and you deny his humanity. Deny his humanity and you are a Gnostic heretic.

Who’s giving us our theology? Jesus Christ, that’s who!!! Where? The Sacred Scriptures that’s where!
Please show me where in the Bible that a list of the books of the Bible appear?
Please show me where in the Bible that a list of the books of the Bible appear?
David, PLEASE, you’re supposed to take MY side :D:D

HEH HEH. Sorry, in my haste to post my rant I didn’t think it through enough, so here goes, take 2:

Who gives us our theology? Jesus Christ, that’s who! Where? In Sacred Scripture (2 Tim 3) AND Sacred Tradition (1 Thes 2:15), that’s where!
MMM. Better? :D
HEH HEH. Sorry, in my haste to post my rant, so here goes, take 2:

Who gives us our theology? Jesus Christ, that’s who! Where? In Sacred Scripture (2 Tim 3) AND Sacred Tradition (1 Thes 2:15), that’s where!

MMM. Better? 😃
It is my fault too, I misunderstood your post, I thought you were dening the Eucharist.
Fr. Vincent Serpa:
He received all His DNA from His mother because His Father is God. He also received His mother from His Father who is the ultimate source of our parents as well.
Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P. is engaging in private theological speculation with this answer. The writers of the Gospel would find such an answer inconceivable, since they thought that women were analogous to fertile fields in which seeds were planted. The seed came from the male, and the male’s seed was a little human being that began his or her life within the moist darkness of the womb. In Matthew and Luke’s mind, God planted his seed in the womb of Mary, and she nurtured that created life within her womb.

If we want to speculate about the origin of Christ’s DNA, I believe that we should say that Jesus received his DNA from Adam and Eve, since all human beings receive their DNA from our first parents. It is not wrong to think that we share DNA with Jesus.
Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P. is engaging in private theological speculation with this answer.
I think it is more his private scientific speculation. As theology has nothing to do with DNA nor other such things.
But I think a new heresy is showing up here.

Christ was fully human, so He had DNA but to say that He only has the DNA of his Mother is also in error as Christ was male. To be male He could not have had only the DNA of Mary, if He did then He would have had to have been female.
Actually it would be easy to have only DNA from his mother, as a male configuration is XY instead of XX … so Jesus could have had all Mary’s DNA minus the arm of one X chromosome and be male.

Eve came from the side/rib of Adam, which seems potentially like Eve was a female version clone of Adam (or perhaps part Adam, part what God might have changed or added) … so why not potentially Jesus a male version clone of Mary?

Possible Jesus was half Mary (egg only) and half created by God providing a sperm or the other half of dna in some way, but I have not heard it said that Jesus received his humanity from any other source but Mary. That she is the one and only direct connection to humanity for Christ’s humanity.
Hippolytus of Rome, The Antichrist, 200 AD

“Although He was without flesh, the Son of God took on flesh from the Holy Virgin, like a bridegroom putting on a robe, which He wove for Himself in the sufferings of the cross, so that by uniting our mortal body to His own power, and mixing the corruptible with the incorruptible and the weak with the strong, He might save man who was perishing.”
Hippolytus of Rome, Refutation of All Heresies, 222 AD

“We know that this Word took on flesh from a Virgin, thereby putting on the old man in a new way; …”
St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures, 350 AD

“Neither did He pass through the Virgin as through a channel, but was truly made flesh of her …”
St. Hilary of Poitiers, The Trinity, 356-59 AD

“If the Man Jesus Christ … of His own accord took flesh of the Virgin, and also of His own accord joined for Himself a soul to th body concieved through Himself, then it is necessary that the nature of His sufferings were in accordance with a nature of soul and body.”
Actually it would be easy to have only DNA from his mother, as a male configuration is XY instead of XX … so Jesus could have had all Mary’s DNA minus the arm of one X chromosome and be male. .
Sorry, Marci,
There is entirely different information on the X and Y chromsosomes, so, while anything is possible with God, if Jesus was “Like us in all things but sin,” then a Y chromosome carrying sperm united with a normal X chromosome carrying egg resulting in a male offspring.
Therefore, if it is Jesus’ blood on the Shroud of Turin, DNA could be extracted, and it would consist of one-half from Mary and one-half from God (the Holy Spirit).
And if Jesus was like us, he needed DNA. DNA provides the template for all the proteins (enzymes, etc.) that carry our our biological functions like digestion and wound-healing.
Personally, I would be fascinated to see Jesus’ DNA.
As for his glorified body, well???
Sorry, Marci,
There is entirely different information on the X and Y chromsosomes,
Hello Strider 🙂

You are thinking of the X from the mother and the Y from the father having differing information … that doesn’t really matter to this.

A female, like Mary, has an X from the mother and an X from the father each with differing information for the formation of the person. The extra information on that arm of that X from the father (which makes a girl instead of a boy) is excess information not needed - obviously so or men couldn’t be born for not having it. So that X from the father with some extra information. I believe it is duplicate information from another part of the X and that additional arm often protects women from genetic problems which men succomb to, Fragile X for example. Mother a carrier and her son can get it because he doesn’t have that duplicate gene from the extra arm to protect him. Or in the case of autism boys 4X more likely to be autistic then girls, so there is believed to be a genetic basis to autism as well (but over many genes or combinations of genes, not straight as inheritence as fragile x).

So Mary has an X from her mom and an X from her dad in her genetics. The X from her dad has all the information needed in the Y configuration part, plus an extra arm of duplicate info which completes the X. The duplicate information could be taken away without any problem.

Unless you’re a professional scientist and tell me how an X and Y from the father vary somehow (edit: outside of the obvious X versus Y - lol - i.e. what difference would make that deletion impossible)
, that is my understanding of the matter.

Therefore, if it is Jesus’ blood on the Shroud of Turin, DNA could be extracted, and it would consist of one-half from Mary and one-half from God (the Holy Spirit).
p.s. if Jesus is half from Mary and half made by God that wouldn’t be like us in all ways but sin would it? No more - maybe less- like us in all ways but sin as opposed to being flesh from Mary with a small bit of manipulation to make a man instead of a woman. Mary was 100% human by propagation from Adam. Making the ‘father’ God isn’t 100% propagation from Adam, but a divine intervention of 1/2 Adam and 1/2 special creation.

I haven’t seen anything to indicate any ECF or theologians before sperm/egg were discovered which believed that Jesus’ flesh came from any source but Mary. Aquinas believed Christ’s flesh was taken from Mary’s pure blood.
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