JESUS is really BIG in OHIO

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That is so cool… I love when people get upset about those things. Despite what that one guy said, it doesn’t sound like it has been a waist of money.
just wait til their fellow fundamentalists jump on them for making a graven image!
My husband drives past that every day. Please do not take this the wrong way, but the money spent (over $250,000) to build this statue could have been spent on giving to charities and helping the poor. That is just my two cents. I am not an ideologue by any means.

Personally, I like the other Jesus statue that is in this thread much better than the one along I-75. The church behind this statue looks much nicer at least from a distance.

Sorry if I offend anyone…
Where is that?
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil… 👍
space ghost:
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil… 👍
Are you sure? It looks like the one in “El Cerro del Cubilete” in Guanajuato, Mexico…then again, I’ve never seen the one in Rio De Janeiro from the front before…

space ghost:
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil… 👍
I’m sorry, you’re right. Looked up the Cubilete Christ and it has angels at his feet.:o

My husband drives past that every day. Please do not take this the wrong way, but the money spent (over $250,000) to build this statue could have been spent on giving to charities and helping the poor. That is just my two cents. I am not an ideologue by any means.

Personally, I like the other Jesus statue that is in this thread much better than the one along I-75. The church behind this statue looks much nicer at least from a distance.

Sorry if I offend anyone…
I kinda feel the same way, kinda.
My husband drives past that every day. Please do not take this the wrong way, but the money spent (over $250,000) to build this statue could have been spent on giving to charities and helping the poor. That is just my two cents. I am not an ideologue by any means.

Personally, I like the other Jesus statue that is in this thread much better than the one along I-75. The church behind this statue looks much nicer at least from a distance.

Sorry if I offend anyone…
People could say that about the money spent on “The Passion of the Christ” they have said it about Catholic church that have been built… I understand what you are saying though. You know more about it because you are there.
I like the Rio one much better. For USA- Here is a spectacular Statue - It’s 90 feet tall. 🙂
**I live just down the road from the statue in Ohio, and it has sparked controversy around here, for sure. I personally do not like it, as I think Jesus himself would feel very much embarrassed about it. He was not one to call attention to himself, and this statues literally screams at the triffic that goes by. **

**I believe water is to be added to the statue at some point. Anyway, most people I have talked with are not thrilled with it. **

Catholic Heart
And the police report reads:::

Vehicle “A”'s driver turned head to view statue, slowing down in the process.

Vehicle “B”'s driver also turned head to view statue, but, failing to slow down, slams into rear of vehicle “A”.

Both drives received minor injuries and both “blame” Jesus for the acident. :eek:
The Ohio statue looks goofy. Thank heavens, it’s not in front of a Catholic Church. Most Catholic Churches have a sense of the sacred. This styrofoam and fiberglass 62-foot bust of Christ with His arms raised high and a jubilant expression on his face as though He’s shouting, “Halleluiah! Praise the Lord!” and looking as though He is sprouting up out of the ground is really very garish.

Now the one from Mexico, that’s a keeper! It depicts Jesus in a tasteful manner, expressive of His divine nature, standing tall above the people and extending His loving arms outward over the world.
Much more Catholic-looking, too! 😃
Catholic Heart:
I personally do not like it, as I think Jesus himself would feel very much embarrassed about it. He was not one to call attention to himself,
Well I must say your idea of not calling attention to Himself is rather different than mine:

A major star appears in the East at His birth and choirs of angels show up to sing, Wise Men come to pay homage with gifts, He cures lepers, raises Lazarus from the dead, cures an assortment of sick people, performs a few miracles with loaves and fishes, walks on water, and resurrects.
I, too, live in Cinci and I do such a good job of avoiding the news that I didn’t even know this thing was put up. Gosh, aren’t I lucky?

How to say this politely, Fundies have not a true sense of the sacred – especially their Savior. He is a vending machine that one purchases eternal salvation from. His mom is trotted out at Christmas only. Joesph isn’t even titled as the “foster” or “adoptive” father Jesus – at least this is how it was the congregation where I grew up. I also call that particular church the Church of the Socially Inept. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!:gopray:
WOW…Sometimes I’m floored by the catttiness! If it bears fruit by bringing a lost soul to Jesus, what’s the harm (that is, aside from any auto accidents as described in one post:) )? I too wouldn’t want it in front of my church, but hey–diff’rent strokes…

As Catholics, who are we to criticize a sculpture of Jesus–Holy Cow! I sure have seen some pretty chintzy glow-in the-dark sacred heart of Jesus statues in my local Catholic bookstore! I would really hate to have someone judge my Catholic devotion to God based on some of the tacky statuary in that bookstore!

It’s not cattiness to have a desire to see Christ esteemed. In Truth, there is only one way to bring a lost soul to Christ, and that is to bring him to the Catholic Faith, where as members of the Shepherd’s fold, His sheep are fed with His own Body and Blood, and not some crackers and grape-juice memorial mockery of the Eucharist.

If some poor, lost soul is worth saving, he’s worth saving with the Truth, not a cheap imitation.

As far as tacky bookstore statuary goes, I doubt that it comes with a quarter of a million dollar price tag as does this eyesore. Sorry, I calls 'em as I sees 'em.

Gads, it’s just gross.
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