Sorry for Qouting you and adding to an already long list of anwsers, but i feel compelled to add. Please dont take Offense.No. In fact, the Church teaches that laughing can be a sin.
Laughthing is a sin, Only if we laugh at sinfull things, at peoples pain and suffering. Ridicule is wrong :tsktsk: , however, laughter is created by God :dancing: .
I think Jesus did luagth because he was human, its just not important to are salvation that it should be written down in the bible. We also know that Jesus was a carpenter, but we dont have a list of all the things that he built, but this doesnât mean he didnt build things. For all we know he might have called himself a carpenter, just as a symbolic representation to the fact that all things were created through the word of God (Jesus being the word). In actuall fact this is why Jesus took the Job of carpentry. ( please correct this if its wrong)
The guy that said he wont be a Christian because Jesus did not luagh, is a slave to the laughter that comes from ridcule, and is looking for any excuse not to believe. I suspect that this also comes from the ignorant idea that, being a christian, is to live a boring and meanigless life. As if Christians dont organise partys and go out, and have a laugh. its just that we are imaginitive anough not to laugh at eachother through ridicule.
people put down the Christian life style because it makes people feel bad about the sins that they enjoy doing, so they feel guilty, and this makes them feel unhappy, they lose thier power.
This is because there minds are conditioned to find joy in peoples pain. This kind of luaghter, comes from a will to dominate and look down on people, to feel like somebody specail.
For example, a guy might see an overweight human being, walking down the street, and seek to ridicule his Gluttony, in order to cuase laughter and shame. People ridicule because they feel worthless in themselfs, and find happiness and strength by standing on the unhappiness and downfall of Others, rather then lifting people up, and serving God.
They are basically saying.
" look at that guy, hes more worthless then me, ha ha ha".
I call them parasites, because they live off of the destruction and embarrasment of peoples souls, and lift them selves up on the enjoyment of thier ridicule.Some people seek popularity and joy by pleasing the sinfull lusts of are hearts. They promote the image of the beast because of the power they gain, rather then the cross of sacrafice.
Jesus on the other hand found joy in lifting people up through love. So it may be that he didnât laugh at what we think is funny, rather he made jokes that only people filled with the holy spirit would find Understand. Jesus did not seek popularity.