Also, *Clmowry wrote: First, most Catholics have never seen the Code of Canon Law.
It is not some “burden” placed upon the laity it is a series of answers to specific questions.
The spirit of the Ten Commandments may be all that one needs to determine right behavior, but when it comes down to addressing disagreements over what constitutes right and wrong behavior the Church steps in to make clarifications.
For example: Is it OK for you to divorce? How do you decide? There seems to be a rather wide spread set of opinions on the subject. Who decides the right and wrong of this and how?
I guess my problem is I’m looking through a “charismatic” lense… a perspective that lends itself more toward spontaneous prayer, more physically/emotionally expressive praise & worship (raising hands, shouting & crying out to God–nicely, like David did

, etc), praying in personal “tongues”, etc.
These very Catholic expressions of faith and worship tend not to go over well in some peoples/Canon Law followers’ eyes, when incorporated into the Mass celebration. Yet, they are perfectly humble, authentic, loving expressions of gratitude to God for His Eucharist. A parish I attend calls these services (held during the middle of the week, not on Sunday) “Glory & Praise Mass”, and they are extraordinary and powerful (not that a regular Mass isn’t) for the folks attending who have special outward giftings of the Holy Spirit.
The idea that Jesus healed on the Sabbath seems to correlate with the idea that the Mass should allow for more spontaneous, outward forms of worship (during appropriate times of course) by those who are truly in love with the Eucharist and the Lord of it…
Once again, I contrast this with the “lawkeepers” who seem only to want to keep the law for the law’s sake, and seem (not trying to judge, merely make an observation) to lack true love of their charismatic brethren when confronting them about not sticking to the rules of the liturgy.
Hoping this is making sense, given I have a unique perspective. Anyone else ever feel this way?