Jews and Christians United (Conversion of the Jews)

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Subj:**Jews/Christians United by “Forward Looking” Knight of Columbus Scribe/Exegete: Pope Quotes Bible, “…His time is short.” **Date:1/15/2005 2:26:21 PM Pacific Standard TimeFrom:emediawire@mail1.emediawire.comReply-to:subscription@emediawire.comTo:aoldbimg:onlinecalbreese@aol.comSent from the Internet (Details)

Jews/Christians United by “Forward Looking” Knight of Columbus Scribe/Exegete: Pope Quotes Bible, "…His time is short."

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 15, 2005 – Pope John Paul II responded to Breese’s two recent press releases (and the Italian Digital Media who front paged his last release 1/7/05) during his reflections on the Liturgy of Evening Prayer speaking about the Canticle from the Book of Revelation (11, 17-18; 12, 10-12) on “the judgement of God”. Jan 12, 2005 in General Audience at Pope VI hall.

These Bible passages refer to the Seventh Trumpet proclaiming the coming of God’s Reign. A time of celebration, but ends with, “But woe to you earth and sea, for the Devil has come down upon you! His fury knows no limits, for his time is short.” Yes, Pope quoted Bible verses that refer to End Times.

These Bible passages assure everyone of God’s Dominion over human events, as we will enter an interim time when the Beast is granted Dominion.

Breese’s third Bible Mystery that unites Jews and Christians…St. John records visions of what he sees “Literally” in The Book of Revelation, as shown by an Angel.

19:11 The Heavens Were Opened, and as I looked on, a white horse appeared; it’s rider was called “The Faithful and True.” Justice is his standard in passing judgment and in waging war.

19:12 His eyes blazed like fire, and on his head were many diadems. Inscribed on his person was a name known to no one but himself.

19:13 He wore a cloak that had been dipped in blood, and his name was the Word of God.

19:14 The armies of heaven were behind him riding white horses and dressed in fine linen, pure and white.

Breese: We all have the same God. This ultimate spectacle will satiate all with Truth, uniting everyone. All will witness this Coming. No mystery here. God’s eternal wisdom is outside timelines. The reason for, “a name known to no one but himself.” is obvious, that allows his name, founded by the Word of God, to apply to what each Religion and person needs.

21:2 I also saw a new Jerusalem, the holy city, coming down from heaven from God…

21:3 “…This is God’s dwelling among men. He shall dwell among them and they shall be his people and he shall be their God who is always with them.”

21:22 …“The Lord, God the Almighty, is its temple-he and the Lamb.”

22:4 They shall see him face to face and bear his name on their foreheads.

Breese: God, of course builds the ultimate temple, one of Spirit, that unlike mass, is eternal.

We have always been “transparent” to God. Now we will share and have his light in us. The Unification of all happens with these Transparent Temple Walls. He will walk among us.

Everyone will want God’s Name on their forehead. Not the “Mark of the Beast” or some baseball cap. IHS Daryl


Press Contact: Daryl Breese
Phone: 661-703-4444

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