Folks, it’s a T.V. show, it isn’t intended to be an official catechism class. They go out of their way not to restrict it to a single “religion” the episodes relate to semi real life situations, and they show the moral decisions we all make in our daily life. People critical of the show seem to feel it’s terrible because it doesn’t correctly teach Catholic morals, it isn’t a Catholic show! It is a show, which instills a moral value on our daily decisions, as such; it’s probably the best show on network T.V. To those of you who are slamming it please tell us any shows on network T.V. that even come close to mentioning God or morals, or showing the characters making tough decisions and choosing the morally correct path. It’s certainly better than ANY other show on network T.V. I can think of. I suppose someone will come up with the “well then don’t watch T.V.” answer. My response to that is that we can’t hide our heads in the sand. This show has some darned good stories, many good examples of tackling tough everyday hurdles. As a T.V. show it’s great, not as a catechism class.