Joe Biden Gives Shortest DNC Acceptance Speech In Decades - Hillary's Speech was 56 minutes

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The presidential debates will be 90 minutes long so we will finally get some spontaneous answers to questions without Biden’s speech being a 1 minute snip-it or a pre-recorded event.

Joe has not allowed interviews so maybe that will also change. Chris Wallace would love to interview him.
The presidential debates will be 90 minutes long so we will finally get some spontaneous answers to questions without Biden’s speech being a 1 minute snip-it or a pre-recorded event.
Joe has not allowed interviews so maybe that will also change. Chris Wallace would love to interview him.
Of course, Chris Wallace would love to interview him. Why would Joe Biden want to interviewed by Chris Wallace for? Fox News is the Republican propaganda channel.
Chris Wallace and Joe Biden go way back and Biden has done interviews with Wallace, last one being about 6 months ago
Chris Wallace and Joe Biden go way back and Biden has done interviews with Wallace, last one being about 6 months ago
Well, there you go. No reason that Chris needs to interview him again.
Candidates do interviews all the time. They love the press and want to get out front and center as much as possible especially as it gets closer to the election date.
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Chris Wallace isn’t a conservative,in fact he tends to favor and pander to Dems
Chris is a Registered Democrat according to his wiki page.

He is limited to a Sunday only show.
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Look it up he’s not a conservative and he’s certainly not a Republican.A long time mainstream affiliated journalist just like his dad
Neither was Megan Kelly or Greta Sustern, Shepard Smithamong others.Fox news unlike most Dem mouthpieces is fairand balanced
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Megan Kelly no longer with Fox as of 2017
Greta Van Susteren no longer with Fox as of 2016
Shepard Smith no longer with Fox as of 2019

So who are these others?
Point being they were there for many years.If anything, since Murdoch’s sons ,who happen to be very left,have taken over Fox is even more balanced.More left leaning
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Neil Cavuto is an anti-Trumper. He recently did an interview with Jim Jordan accusing Trump of trying to take over post office.
accusing Trump of trying to take over post office.
What do you mean “trying”? Last I checked the Postmaster General reports to Trump.
Last time I check Post Master General LeJoy Was his own person and said all ballots will be delivered and counted.

I just received a letter from Trump so everything must be working.
Good grief.

The find-fault-with-Biden machine is in full operation.
Of course and as it should be.Its been nonstop criticism

of all of Trumps alleged fault for the past four years.What goes around comes around…
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Figures that Hillary and Bill would be at the top. They’re both incredibly long winded and that gift served them incredibly well after leaving the White House penniless…
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