Joe Biden Twisted His Ankle While Playing With Dog, Heads To Orthopedist

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I hope he feels better soon.:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

That being said, I read this thread title as h twisted his ankle while playing with dog heads which is kinda gross, just sayin
He fractured his foot and will need a walking boot for a number of weeks so it was not just a twist. Article says it was a fall.

There has been a number of articles on dogs and videos in the news cycle today so this seems to just be another story. His new dog, the one that he played with is a rescue dog.

I had to look that up but apparently, a rescue dog is one from the pound/shelter.
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Apparently, there is an Instagram page for the dog.
Shortly after Biden visited the doctor, the Instagram fan page for Biden’s dogs, @first_dogs_usa, shared an ‘apology’ from Major and an ‘official’ statement.

‘Paw my god! Dad @JoeBiden, I’m so, sooo sorry I pulled super hard when we played tug-of-war earlier. I am still a puppy & very high energy, I am so sorry you sprained your ankle because of me,’ the post reads.

‘I pawmise to make it up with lots of kisses. I’ll be good, I pawmise.’

In addition to the post, the account released a statement with 41 barks that translated into: 'I wish my adopted father a speedy recovery but I strongly maintain that I have done nothing wrong.
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Would have preferred a cat but I guess cats in the WH aren’t macho enough. 🙂
The article I read said Biden will be getting a cat to go along with his 2 dogs.
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Like Clinton’s Socks and Bush’s India, we probably won’t be hearing about any WH cats.
Or needs an orthopedic doctor for such an injury.

When my dad twisted his ankle, he wrapped it up and kept off it a week.
You go to an orthopedist because there may be a broken bone or tendon. The older you get, the more fragile the bones get.

When I was in my early 40s, I fell while walking when I stepped on a rock. It hurt, but hey, I was in my early 40s and figured I was fine.

For the next ten years, that injury kept bothering me, and I had more and more pain while walking or even just sitting.

I was about 40 pounds overweight when I fell and hurt myself, and for those next ten years, I gained even more weight because I found myself less and less able to do any kind of exercise, even walking. By the time I was 50, I weighed around 275 pounds (at 5’8", so no, I’m not six feet ten inches tall).

I kept thinking that my stupid ankle would stop hurting if I would just get serious and lose that weight, but the more I tried, the more pain I was in, and what is one thing that people do when they are in pain?–they EAT!

I went to my doctor, and then to other doctors, and all of them told me to wrap the ankle and lose weight.

FINALLY it got to the point that I could barely walk. I was using a crutch to get around, and I was in constant pain, and my ankle was turned inward so much that it was almost dragging the ground. This of course meant that most of my weight was on my other leg, and THAT"S when I start wearing down my knee (the one that just got replaced a few months ago).

And that’s when I went to a podiatrits, a parishioner in my parish (we had just converted). And finally–FINALLY–I found out what was wrong. All those years ago, I had broken the posterior tibialis–the big tendon that holds up the inside of the ankle. For ten years, this tendon was flopping around inside my leg, and meanwhile, my ankle had NOTHING to hold it up–and it had collapsed.

The podiatrist told me that I had come late, but she could fix it. She said that there are people who don’t come to her until they are literally walking on the inside of their ankle, which I was getting awfully close to doing.

It took a FIVE HOUR surgery and almost four months of a cast to fix the damage. The podiatrist literally had to rebuild my ankle, and she told me it took her a long time to fish out that tendon and re-attach it, and then put all kinds of reinforcements in the foot to hold the tendon in place.

Now almost 20 years later, my ankle is still very deformed (I can’t wear most shoe styles), and I still have pain when I have to stand for a long time. But compared to what it used to feel like, it’s heaven!

The whole point of my post is to say that I think when people are injured, they need to see a doctor, especially when they are elderly like Pres. Elect Biden. Don’t make the mistake of toughing it out and assuming that it’s just a weak will. Get it fixed.
I kept thinking that my stupid ankle would stop hurting if I would just get serious and lose that weight, but the more I tried, the more pain I was in, and what is one thing that people do when they are in pain?–they EAT!

I went to my doctor, and then to other doctors, and all of them told me to wrap the ankle and lose weight
That is terrible. You right about mobility. It is very important that people exercise and stay active and if they have an injury, they are not able to do that.
Back in my early 30s I woke up one morning to find I couldn’t walk on one foot. Turned out somehow I had sprained it without even knowing. If I could sprain an ankle in my early 30s without even knowing how, I’m not remotely surprised that someone can twist his ankle while playing with his dog.
Back in my early 30s I woke up one morning to find I couldn’t walk on one foot. Turned out somehow I had sprained it without even knowing. If I could sprain an ankle in my early 30s without even knowing how, I’m not remotely surprised that someone can twist his ankle while playing with his dog.
I’m betting that Pres.Elect Biden’s dog knew that his master was hurt(even before his master did), and feels badly about it. Pet dogs are so sympathetic.
Lots of cute dog stories in the news…

Dan Gainor wrote on NYTimes article ---- November 2019…
The New York Times ran a column by Frank Bruni headlined “Why Donald Trump Hates Your Dog.” Bruni’s bizarre reasoning led him to write: “For Trump, all relationships are transactional and God’s creatures possess value only in accordance with their ability to elevate and enrich him.”
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