John Allen Notes Pope Using "Apocalyptic" Language

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Lifesite is running this article on “apocalyptic” remarks by popes from John Allen who commented on Benedict’s recent address to bishops and Canadian author/artist/speaker Michael D. O’Brien in a recent essay on “Are we living in apocalyptic times”:

'O’Brien points out that Pope Saint Pius X, in his 1903 encyclical, Suprema Apostolatus, wrote, “There is room to fear that we are experiencing the foretaste of the evils that are to come at the end of time. And that the Son of Perdition of whom the apostles speak has already arrived on the earth.”

Further Pope John Paul II, two years prior to his elevation to the papacy gave an address in the United States wherein he stated, “We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel and the anti-Gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine providence. It is a trial which the whole Church . . . must take up.” O’Brien recalls that the address was widely disseminated after Wotyla’s election to the papacy, when it was republished in the November 9, 1978, issue of The Wall Street Journal.
Only the Father knows when. I leave it at that.

Personal Note: There is alot of talk lately about the “end times”. In my very humble opinion, we should not worry ourselves with it or make it our hot topic. We need to live everyday for the Lord, praying, helping others, and all the things we should be doing. When the time is right for God, it will all start to come to an end. Are we in it now? Maybe, but things now could be viewed as bad as in the Dark Ages so I have no real reason to believe this is the end. Whatever will be, will be.

peace to you all,

There was a document a few years ago on the state of the Church in Europe, wherein apocalyptic language is also used. Realizing that this was a message directly from the Pope, I found it very disturbing and galvinizing. It specifically cites the Book of Revelation in relation to our times.

No, nobody on earth knows the hour, but the Successor of Peter is supposed to be our spiritual guide. I think we should listen to these warnings with the utmost seriousness.
I believe that we are in the end times myself. I really do, but then again, Peter announced that we were in the last days too. One of the reasons I think we are in the end times is becuase now we humans have the ability to destroy ourselves and our planet like nothing before. This being said I could be wrong.

I think we should be expecting the end times and preparing for it, but we also need to prepared for Christ’s return to be delayed
My thoughts concerning the end times are as follows:
  1. I think every generation has a certain amount of myopia about how their generation will have the “honor” of being the last one. 🙂
  2. As in the parable of the virgins waiting for the bridegroom, we are to be on our guard always, for we do not know the hour or time Jesus will come again (also applicable to the hour God will require us to die and go to the judgement seat).
I think the bottom line is to live the way we are called to, i.e. good Christian living where we partake of the sacraments to unlock the graces we need to persevere to the end, practice the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and the 2 great commandments Jesus gave us (love of God and love of neighbor). There is nothing else we can do to prepare for the end.
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