I left a lot of this in the Meet & Greet thread, before I found this sub-forum which is clearly a more appropriate place! Apologies for the duplication.
So. I’m new. Here’s the background I put in the other thread…
*I’m British. Was baptised C of E, but that’s as far as anything went - up until last month I’d never set foot inside a church except for other people’s weddings and funerals. Had a fairly unconventional relationship with God, featuring an unstructured and haphazard approach to prayer and reading the Bible (a Gideons one I was given at school).
Now in my thirties, I’ve been called very strongly to the Church (I’ll go into more detail on this another time!), and I approached the dean of my local cathedral (I’m lucky in that I live in a city centre and it’s my nearest Catholic church - and it’s literally two minutes’ walk from work) to talk about reception and becoming a full member of the Church.
Because I had the (mis?)fortune to enquire in the run-up to Holy Week, I’ve got a year to wait before I can be fully received, but I’m already counting the days.
I’ve started going to Mass regularly - first on Sundays and now daily (talk about nought to sixty! I bought myself a Weekday Missal to at least be able to do the readings in absentia and thus feel closer to God, but since my work is so close and weekday mass happens to coincide with my lunch hour, I realised I could go in person).
I’ve been meeting regularly (weekly) with the priest, and we’ve talked a lot about scripture and the relationship between science, reason and faith. It’s been wonderful.*
And now, the questions!
What’s not really been discussed, and I’ve been too afraid to broach it, is where this is actually heading. Or rather, not where it’s heading as such - we’ve mentioned a few times that God willing I’m going to be joining the Church next Easter if they’ll have me - but rather how this relates to us getting there; I’m assuming this is part of the preparation for RCIA, but it hasn’t been clearly set out and so I’m just going with the flow at the moment!
I’m also a little worried about the requirements of RCIA in terms of “proving” my baptism. i was definitely validly baptised, the Protestant church I was Christened in (in a rural part of Northern England) is still there, and even if there were no records, my parents are still alive and could probably provide an affidavit if needed. However, for complex reasons I don’t want to get into here, I changed my name by deed poll when I was in my twenties; I haven’t discussed this with anyone, but I’m not sure if (a) that’s a big no-no, and (b) if not, what to do about it.
Anyway, that’s me. Hope that wasn’t too much information!
So. I’m new. Here’s the background I put in the other thread…
*I’m British. Was baptised C of E, but that’s as far as anything went - up until last month I’d never set foot inside a church except for other people’s weddings and funerals. Had a fairly unconventional relationship with God, featuring an unstructured and haphazard approach to prayer and reading the Bible (a Gideons one I was given at school).
Now in my thirties, I’ve been called very strongly to the Church (I’ll go into more detail on this another time!), and I approached the dean of my local cathedral (I’m lucky in that I live in a city centre and it’s my nearest Catholic church - and it’s literally two minutes’ walk from work) to talk about reception and becoming a full member of the Church.
Because I had the (mis?)fortune to enquire in the run-up to Holy Week, I’ve got a year to wait before I can be fully received, but I’m already counting the days.
I’ve started going to Mass regularly - first on Sundays and now daily (talk about nought to sixty! I bought myself a Weekday Missal to at least be able to do the readings in absentia and thus feel closer to God, but since my work is so close and weekday mass happens to coincide with my lunch hour, I realised I could go in person).
I’ve been meeting regularly (weekly) with the priest, and we’ve talked a lot about scripture and the relationship between science, reason and faith. It’s been wonderful.*
And now, the questions!
What’s not really been discussed, and I’ve been too afraid to broach it, is where this is actually heading. Or rather, not where it’s heading as such - we’ve mentioned a few times that God willing I’m going to be joining the Church next Easter if they’ll have me - but rather how this relates to us getting there; I’m assuming this is part of the preparation for RCIA, but it hasn’t been clearly set out and so I’m just going with the flow at the moment!
I’m also a little worried about the requirements of RCIA in terms of “proving” my baptism. i was definitely validly baptised, the Protestant church I was Christened in (in a rural part of Northern England) is still there, and even if there were no records, my parents are still alive and could probably provide an affidavit if needed. However, for complex reasons I don’t want to get into here, I changed my name by deed poll when I was in my twenties; I haven’t discussed this with anyone, but I’m not sure if (a) that’s a big no-no, and (b) if not, what to do about it.
Anyway, that’s me. Hope that wasn’t too much information!