Now, I’m not saying that I’m here because of a purple light. (I was at pains to explain that to the priest.) Rather, I’m here because that was the shove I needed to realise just how important my faith had become to me, and just how dearly I wanted to be a part of the Church. Everything that’s happened since, up to and including the responses I’ve got on this forum, has made me feel stronger and stronger in my conviction that I’m doing the right thing.
There have been other signs since I took that first step, wonderful things, coincidences and natural phenomena and just a general growing and unshakeable feeling that everything now seems brighter and more full of purpose; a strong, undeniable sense that I am being called to do something, render some as-yet-unspecified service to the church; turn my talents to the service of God, if that’s not too immodest. I don’t know where this will take me, but I’m looking forward to finding out, and I’m on the right path; I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.
There have been other signs since I took that first step, wonderful things, coincidences and natural phenomena and just a general growing and unshakeable feeling that everything now seems brighter and more full of purpose; a strong, undeniable sense that I am being called to do something, render some as-yet-unspecified service to the church; turn my talents to the service of God, if that’s not too immodest. I don’t know where this will take me, but I’m looking forward to finding out, and I’m on the right path; I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.