Those of you asking why this movie now is getting people angry at its violence when many others have been made and acclaimed and no one said anything (like Tarantino’s for example), please bear in mind that maybe people are finally shocked by exposed fictional violence. We have been desensitized to violence in movies that is self-explanatory, we try to excuse it under the claim that the news are worse because they are real, and maybe this is where the problem lay - violence in news is yes, worse, than any fictional violence, but why dream about violence?
I am sure people who live in conflict zones and suffer from violence have no need to see it in stories, such as movies. They are the sane ones.
It is normal that after the recent real violence in the US people are starting to ask themselves more questions about why is it acceptable as a form of art? And the movie got bad comments outside the US as well.
Maybe we’re waking up to normality to be shocked by this movie?