Dear Forum
As I have posted on what I feel is my vocation many times before, I will post something else…
According to the Discernment of Spirits by St. Ignatius of Loyola, A deciscion can made for ones Vocation, if one feels a spirit of peace and joy?
When I pray about becoming a Priest, and ultimatley, if and only if its the LORDS Holy Will, I expierence a wild sense of Joy. Not wild in the bad way, but Wild in the sense that It feels almost “Superhuman”, Like I could rip a brick wall apart. I experience this kind of joy when I pray about it. I also expierence peace and contentment, like a fat, fed and pampered Cat
I defintley don’t feel an attraction to dating or marriage. Don’t misunderstand me, like any male, I feel an attraction to girls, but not dating and marriage. I am a single Bachelor, and I love it!
. It’s so countercultutural, Holy and Peaceful to be single and celibate. Im Living it and loving it. All I have is my Faith and the EUCHARIST. Precisley why I am so defensive about both, because these are the ONLY two things I can say I have. I don’t have a job, I don’t have a girlfriend, I don’t have money in the bank account (Not that these are bad things, Its just I never bothered to pick them up!
). I love Prayer, especially Serving HOLY MASS. Now that I have started to serve the EF, I made a resolution to serve Holy MASS as Reverently, solemnly and with as much devotion as every fiber of my body will allow. I love being in the Liturgy. I love Altar Serving. I love my Catholic Faith. I feel like a cd stuck on repeat with all my threads on the subject, however, this is another indicator on How much I feel for my Faith. I love the poor, I love my LORD, I love everyone!!
I ask you for your prayers and advice Dear Brothers and Sisters of this forum,
I have my demons, but I refuse to let THEM STOP ME!! I am not my scrupulosity. I am not my weakness’es. I am a Child of GOD and Desire to see everyone in Heaven!. I want to work, to the best of my power, in cassock or out of cassock, with EF or NO, to save as many souls as I can. I want to punch satan in the face, and punch him hard. I want to be a somebody and make my mark on the world. I want to do this as a Catholic Priest. For the salvation of souls, for Holy Mother Church and the Greater Glory of GOD, I remain totally your…
Fratere Tuus in CORDE JESU
Frenki Fehervari
As I have posted on what I feel is my vocation many times before, I will post something else…
According to the Discernment of Spirits by St. Ignatius of Loyola, A deciscion can made for ones Vocation, if one feels a spirit of peace and joy?
When I pray about becoming a Priest, and ultimatley, if and only if its the LORDS Holy Will, I expierence a wild sense of Joy. Not wild in the bad way, but Wild in the sense that It feels almost “Superhuman”, Like I could rip a brick wall apart. I experience this kind of joy when I pray about it. I also expierence peace and contentment, like a fat, fed and pampered Cat

I defintley don’t feel an attraction to dating or marriage. Don’t misunderstand me, like any male, I feel an attraction to girls, but not dating and marriage. I am a single Bachelor, and I love it!

I ask you for your prayers and advice Dear Brothers and Sisters of this forum,
I have my demons, but I refuse to let THEM STOP ME!! I am not my scrupulosity. I am not my weakness’es. I am a Child of GOD and Desire to see everyone in Heaven!. I want to work, to the best of my power, in cassock or out of cassock, with EF or NO, to save as many souls as I can. I want to punch satan in the face, and punch him hard. I want to be a somebody and make my mark on the world. I want to do this as a Catholic Priest. For the salvation of souls, for Holy Mother Church and the Greater Glory of GOD, I remain totally your…
Fratere Tuus in CORDE JESU
Frenki Fehervari