Joy and Vocations

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Dear Forum

As I have posted on what I feel is my vocation many times before, I will post something else…

According to the Discernment of Spirits by St. Ignatius of Loyola, A deciscion can made for ones Vocation, if one feels a spirit of peace and joy?

When I pray about becoming a Priest, and ultimatley, if and only if its the LORDS Holy Will, I expierence a wild sense of Joy. Not wild in the bad way, but Wild in the sense that It feels almost “Superhuman”, Like I could rip a brick wall apart. I experience this kind of joy when I pray about it. I also expierence peace and contentment, like a fat, fed and pampered Cat 😃

I defintley don’t feel an attraction to dating or marriage. Don’t misunderstand me, like any male, I feel an attraction to girls, but not dating and marriage. I am a single Bachelor, and I love it! 👍. It’s so countercultutural, Holy and Peaceful to be single and celibate. Im Living it and loving it. All I have is my Faith and the EUCHARIST. Precisley why I am so defensive about both, because these are the ONLY two things I can say I have. I don’t have a job, I don’t have a girlfriend, I don’t have money in the bank account (Not that these are bad things, Its just I never bothered to pick them up! 👍). I love Prayer, especially Serving HOLY MASS. Now that I have started to serve the EF, I made a resolution to serve Holy MASS as Reverently, solemnly and with as much devotion as every fiber of my body will allow. I love being in the Liturgy. I love Altar Serving. I love my Catholic Faith. I feel like a cd stuck on repeat with all my threads on the subject, however, this is another indicator on How much I feel for my Faith. I love the poor, I love my LORD, I love everyone!!

I ask you for your prayers and advice Dear Brothers and Sisters of this forum,

I have my demons, but I refuse to let THEM STOP ME!! I am not my scrupulosity. I am not my weakness’es. I am a Child of GOD and Desire to see everyone in Heaven!. I want to work, to the best of my power, in cassock or out of cassock, with EF or NO, to save as many souls as I can. I want to punch satan in the face, and punch him hard. I want to be a somebody and make my mark on the world. I want to do this as a Catholic Priest. For the salvation of souls, for Holy Mother Church and the Greater Glory of GOD, I remain totally your…

Fratere Tuus in CORDE JESU

Frenki Fehervari
Do you have a spiritual director?

Have you spoken with the diocesan vocations director?

Have you looked at all vocations for men?

First of all, the poorest of the poor: the unborn. Then the economically disadvantaged, the homeless, the destitute, the prostitute, the vagbond, the poor family who has to choose between paying the heating bill or going hungry, the drug addict who has lost everything, the prisoner, the refuge and the immigrant. The spiritually poor, the ones who have rejected CHRIST and made themselves spiritually poor for the sake of worldly gains be it money, power or fame.

These are my people and the people I want to cater to. Any soul that is need, Any voice that cries out for Our LORD is my defintion of poor. You can see it. Walk down the streets of London, Ontario and you see so many people hungry and destitute. Not physically, but Spiritually.
First of all, the poorest of the poor: the unborn. Then the economically disadvantaged, the homeless, the destitute, the prostitute, the vagbond, the poor family who has to choose between paying the heating bill or going hungry, the drug addict who has lost everything, the prisoner, the refuge and the immigrant. The spiritually poor, the ones who have rejected CHRIST and made themselves spiritually poor for the sake of worldly gains be it money, power or fame.

These are my people and the people I want to cater to. Any soul that is need, Any voice that cries out for Our LORD is my defintion of poor. You can see it. Walk down the streets of London, Ontario and you see so many people hungry and destitute. Not physically, but Spiritually.
Perhaps I didn’t ask the question very well. I know who the poor are, and the different variations on the theme of poor.

You said you love the poor. What are you doing, currently, that evidences that you love the poor?

Are you running a soup kitchen, or volunteering in one?

Do you minister on the street?

Do you picket outside abortion clinics?

Have you started any initiatives that gives people opportunities (of any kind, material or spiritual)?

That’s what I’m curious about.

Sarah x 🙂
Perhaps I didn’t ask the question very well. I know who the poor are, and the different variations on the theme of poor.

You said you love the poor. What are you doing, currently, that evidences that you love the poor?

Are you running a soup kitchen, or volunteering in one?

Do you minister on the street?

Do you picket outside abortion clinics?

Have you started any initiatives that gives people opportunities (of any kind, material or spiritual)?

That’s what I’m curious about.

Sarah x 🙂
Unfortunately no. 😦 😊 I have helped at a soup kitchen before. I have also pickted outside of abortion clinics. However, I cannot drive alone yet, My school is in a small town, and I live in an even smaller town. My oppertunities are particularly limited at the moment you must realise… :(😊
My oppertunities are particularly limited at the moment you must realise… :(😊
Ok. I just really rankles with me when I hear people say like you just did ‘’ I love the poor’’ :mad:

Unless this love has fruits that benefit the poor, it’s just empty platitudes to me.

Even if you live in a small town, and that town has no poor and is very affluent, I’ll bet there’s at least a dozen projects you could get off the ground to help the poor elsewhere, if you put your mind to it.

I’m not criticizing you. I understand you’re in the middle of a lot of studies too, which is time consuming.

It’s just the way you declared you ‘‘love the poor’’ that rankled a little, so I wanted to know how you show this love, and what you do about it that actually helps the poor.

I happen to believe a very effective way of dealing with poverty is to educate and train women, and I spend a lot of time and effort with young girls from deprived backgrounds trying to motivate them to think about education, training and business.

But I would never say I ‘‘love the poor’’. I don’t. It’s so patronizing, like being poor is an automatic qualification for being ‘‘loved’’ whatever that might mean 🤷

But that’s just me. I know I’m just too practical for my own good 🤷 Words mean little to me, unless they’re backed up by actions.

I’ve developed a real affection for the work of the Franciscans for that very reason. They’re doers, not talkers 😉 👍

Sarah x 🙂
Ok. I just really rankles with me when I hear people say like you just did ‘’ I love the poor’’ :mad:

Unless this love has fruits that benefit the poor, it’s just empty platitudes to me.

Even if you live in a small town, and that town has no poor and is very affluent, I’ll bet there’s at least a dozen projects you could get off the ground to help the poor elsewhere, if you put your mind to it.

I’m not criticizing you. I understand you’re in the middle of a lot of studies too, which is time consuming.

It’s just the way you declared you ‘‘love the poor’’ that rankled a little, so I wanted to know how you show this love, and what you do about it that actually helps the poor.

I happen to believe a very effective way of dealing with poverty is to educate and train women, and I spend a lot of time and effort with young girls from deprived backgrounds trying to motivate them to think about education, training and business.

But I would never say I ‘‘love the poor’’. I don’t. It’s so patronizing, like being poor is an automatic qualification for being ‘‘loved’’ whatever that might mean 🤷

But that’s just me. I know I’m just too practical for my own good 🤷 Words mean little to me, unless they’re backed up by actions.

I’ve developed a real affection for the work of the Franciscans for that very reason. They’re doers, not talkers 😉 👍

Sarah x 🙂
My love for the poor will have fruit. It is really hard for me to be involved. I just seem to think that no one here realises this. I live in the middle of nowhere fyi. I have helped the less fortuntate in the past, And I also plan on doing it again this year. My closest oppertunity to helping the poor comes when I get a chance to volunteer to help at the Salvation Army’s red kettle drive and the local soup kitchen, just before Christmass. I don’t live in Detroit or a big city, where my oppertunities would be a lot more. The only place I can get really involved is my Parish. For the time being, that is it. I don’t have a job. I don’t have a means of transportation on my own yet, and I don’t have a lot of money. What I can produce with my two hands and my prayers is all I can offer. I am also in a high school that is a 25 minute drive from my house. I wake up at about 6-6:30, go there at 7, and stay there until 4 or 5 in the Afternoon.
Maybe I come from a different perspective than atheistgirl, but I think prayer is action. Loving the poor through prayer and sacrifices is worthy and effective. We have to work with our given situation.
Maybe I come from a different perspective than atheistgirl, but I think prayer is action.
I’m aware Catholics consider prayer a work. I think that’s lovely. But I also think it’s not enough. But like I said, that’s just me. Prayers, or thoughts, or words, not backed up by actions, mean very little to me - personally.
Loving the poor through prayer and sacrifices is worthy and effective. We have to work with our given situation.
I agree we have to work with our given situation. I also think many people fail to see the real opportunities available within any given situation, regardless of how limited it seems.

I admit, I don’t understand the concept of loving the poor through prayer. I don’t get it. But I accept for Christians prayer is a work, so I guess there’s something valid and worthwhile in it for them.

Sarah x 🙂
There is action in remembering the poor in prayer. Praying for others is the highest form of service, i believe St. Therese said these words when she realized she would not be allowed to leave the monastery and work in a foreign mission. If you are able to serve physically that is a wonderful gift of yourself to others. Many people who are unable to leave their homes are actively serving the Lord through prayers. I live in pain 24/7 from a spinal injury, my confessor told me to use my prayers for great petitions, suffering souls were God’s special chosen and are very close to His Heart. The soul’s who suffer have God’s ear because we are serving in our patient suffering as Christ suffered on the Cross for all. I will pray for you MYMAMAMARY God will guide you to your perfectly suited vocation. Be patient and be attentive to the whispers of Mary’s Son, and stay close to His Mama.
My love for the poor will have fruit. It is really hard for me to be involved. I just seem to think that no one here realises this. I live in the middle of nowhere fyi. I have helped the less fortuntate in the past, And I also plan on doing it again this year. My closest oppertunity to helping the poor comes when I get a chance to volunteer to help at the Salvation Army’s red kettle drive and the local soup kitchen, just before Christmass. I don’t live in Detroit or a big city, where my oppertunities would be a lot more. The only place I can get really involved is my Parish. For the time being, that is it. I don’t have a job. I don’t have a means of transportation on my own yet, and I don’t have a lot of money. What I can produce with my two hands and my prayers is all I can offer. I am also in a high school that is a 25 minute drive from my house. I wake up at about 6-6:30, go there at 7, and stay there until 4 or 5 in the Afternoon.
I don’t want to hijack your thread but I just wanted to put it out there that the Salvation Army is not in line with the Church with their beliefs. They donate to Planned Parenthood and, as such, will not receive my support until they stop. I know that some people belief that PP educates, but I’d much rather have my money go to a Women’s Help Center that didn’t procure abortions. Just thought I’d let you know.
I’m aware Catholics consider prayer a work. I think that’s lovely. But I also think it’s not enough. But like I said, that’s just me. Prayers, or thoughts, or words, not backed up by actions, mean very little to me - personally.

I agree we have to work with our given situation. I also think many people fail to see the real opportunities available within any given situation, regardless of how limited it seems.

I admit, I don’t understand the concept of loving the poor through prayer. I don’t get it. But I accept for Christians prayer is a work, so I guess there’s something valid and worthwhile in it for them.

Sarah x 🙂
All the time, God is good. God is good, All the time.
Hello Sarah, God works through His children throughout all the earth. Everyone has different talents that helps build the Kingdom of God. Some are called to help the poorest of the poor (for example, Mother Teresa), others are called to traveling and evangelizing to the youth (Blessed Pope John Paul II, Jason & Crystalina Evert). Everybody is different and has a role and strength that can lead others to Christ. That is the beauty of the Catholic Church.
God calls each and every one of us to be Saints. The Holy Spirit is dwelling inside of you, and I can sense that you can join the Catholic Church if you put your heart into it 😉
Ave Maria!
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