JP Marriage

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My Wife’s sister is getting married to Our son’s god father. The problem is that they are’nt getting married by a priest. They are to be married by a Justice of the Peace. We are thinking of not attending the wedding and just sending a gift, because we believe in the importance of a sacramental marriage.
Are we thinking right?
Presuming at least one of them is a Catholic, yes, you’re thinking correctly. (If they were both Protestants, your attending the wedding would not be a problem.)

Their marriage will be invalid in the eyes of the Church, if either of them is a Catholic or if both of them are. By attending you would be showing consent to what they are doing. By staying away, and by counseling them beforehand, you have a chance to help them come to their senses.
If Catholic, as your son’s godfather, he has an obligation to be that good example of Catholic living. That must make you and your wife sad and concerned.

I know Karl is right and I pray I would have the courage to do what ought to be done if I have to face that situation. (I chose to use the terms “would” and “if” even though I expect it will come up one day… I’m praying for the family members’ conversions.)
May I ask a follow up question?

My daughter who is a baptized Catholic is getting married soon outside of the Church by choice. She has joined one of those non-denominational churches. Is it a sin for me to go to the wedding? She has asked me to give her away.
May I ask a follow up question?

My daughter who is a baptized Catholic is getting married soon outside of the Church by choice. She has joined one of those non-denominational churches. Is it a sin for me to go to the wedding? She has asked me to give her away.
If she has “defected from the Church by a formal act” (such as publically joining another church), then she is no longer bound by the requirement to marry within the Catholic Church. In this case, the wedding would be valid, and there would be no problem with your participation.
If one or both are Catholic than yes it is a good idea not to attend the ceremony…👍
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