(you heterodox :tsktsk: )
Be very afraid …
(you heterodox :tsktsk: )
Be very afraid …
FiremanFrank said:BE AFRAID!
(you heterodox :tsktsk: )
Be very afraid …
NO Jim…jimmy
Did he really say that? I would love to quote him on that.
FiremanFrank said:NO Jim…
Gee, I better be a little more careful here (or else I will be getting a letter from the Vatican!)
"who exactly are you charging with the label heterodox"
Ummm, I know my post was a littlle long TP, but did you actually read it my friend?TPJCatholic
Well, actually no, your reply has much detail, yet seems to miss the point of my question.
And as far as you asking me:I ascribe the name heterodox to those Catholics who:
Knowingly (or unknowningly - but nevertheless are still responsible) misrepresent Church Teaching, Church History, or the Traditions of the Church, while at the same time favoring a viewpoint that fits none of the above valid sources for Teaching/Revelation.
Well TP, if the definition that I placed above fits a certain person’s views/thoughts/teachings, then they have already self-defined their status as it relates to Church Teaching. And they would be then: Those who would like others to BELIEVE that they are Catholics, but who are in fact actually following a religion of their own making.If there are specific cases of people on this board exhibiting heterodoxy, then please bring that to full attention so we may have a thorough discussion
I’ve heard discussion go this way before, so let me stop this in it’s tracks right now before we go any further. It is not I who either agrees/disagrees on whether or not somebody is a orthodox or a heterodox Catholic.I feel just about everyone here would define themselves as being orthodox Catholics, yet you seem to not agree with that.
I think it was, thank you.fireman,
I have now read your response twice, thanks for the repost, though it was not at all required.
Wrong!yet I think we all knew the definition of heterodoxy…just as I think most of us here will on orthodoxy
And I am at a loss as to why you have not seen the reason that I have repeated that definition?I suppose I am at a loss as to why you posted the defintion, considering you are not really calling out any actual posts or posters.
Ummmm. On whether or not you are an orthodox Catholic, or a heterodox Catholic. Sorry, I thought I made that much clear my friend.Where do I stand on which issue?
If you believe that my resume was lofty TP, then you havn’t been around much! Really, nice jab there though …(btw, some people with lofty resumes are the most heterodox people around)
But I havn’t even sharpened it yet!TPJCatholicfireman,
First, please put down the sword,
TY for answering my question. I was asking it because from what we have written here in our exchange, it was difficult (for me anyway) to really tell.Yes, I consider myself to be an orthodox, faithful Roman Catholic Christian.
True. I just felt that you may have have been painting the brush a little too wide there.As for resumes, my point was not to jab at you, my point is that resumes do not equal orthodox.
I guess at this point TP, I’ve just become ***extremely ***gun-shy when people start “questioning” articles of the faith (not saying that you do). My diocese is FILLED with people who actually despise, ridicule and hate certain Teachings of the Church. And unfortuneately, one after another - they’ve all stuck it to me (and some of them, quite viciously).As for calling people out, I am not saying you should attack anyone, I am merely saying that it might be more productive to have a discussion about why a given statement falls under heterodoxy (in your opinion), rather then give definitions that we all know.
Yes, WE certainly can be wrong TP. But I do not engage in conversations with people on what “I feel” or on what “I want” in the Church. I merely adhere to the clear and bonafide Teachings of the Church. Still, (from where I reside anyway) this doesn’t go over too well. Thus, my knee-jerk response and defensive postures. I didn’t start out that way TP, really, I didn’t! But reacting this way has provided for me a wall of protection that I could no longer afford to do without.We can be wrong
“Arrived ?” Heck TP, I don’t even think that my “bus” has even left the station yet!No person on earth can say they have “arrived.”
Why use a stick, when a bullwhip is handy?Ahhh - but we must be mindful that since Jesus never taught with a stick
Wow, you lasted much longer than I did…after a few months of Native American Spirituality indoctrination, I just stopped attending the Formation in Ministry classes…just couldn’t take it any more…
- My training that I’ve received in a 2 year diocesan “Formation for Heresy” … errr, I mean “Formation for Ministry” Program
Know what you mean Panis Angelicas!Panis Angelicas
Wow, you lasted much longer than I did…