Juan Williams: The GOP's betrayal of America

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Far too many on the left supported the left’s efforts to unseat Trump for crimes he did not commit. Far too many on the left support …

Yet none of those are a “betrayal of America.” You know, I usually like Juan. He seems like the reasonable, likeable liberal. But this is just garbage. You might disagree with Trump, and you might even disagree whether it is prudential to take legal action, but I don’t think it a betrayal.

Stupid, yes. Wasteful, certainly. Ridiculous, absolutely. But betrayal? :roll_eyes:

This is why we can’t have reasonable conversations.
No one ever has acted like this at the results of an election just because he lost.

He lost.

Now pack up and go home, Donald.
No one ever has acted like this at the results of an election just because he lost.
What do you mean? We just saw it by the Democratic leadership for the last four years. They lost, yet they did everything in their power to try to get rid of Trump, including garbage articles of impeachment.
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No. Hillary conceded early Wednesday morning.

His impeachment was due to his illicit request of a foreign government to announce an investigation and withholding military aid.

It wasn’t because “let’s be mean to Donald cause we’re deranged”

The only reason he was acquitted is because the Republicans refused to do impartial justice.
It wasn’t because “let’s be mean to Donald cause we’re deranged”
Believe what you will. If Trump supporters are deranged for supporting him, then the left is deranged for pushing a false narrative to remove Trump. Let’s not pretend that only one side is deranged here.
He can’t live in Mara Lago because he turned it from a private home to a resort (that he still operated while president when his only job was supposed to be president). When that changeover occurred, he agreed to only live there 3 weeks per year.

New York doesn’t want him back in Trump tower.
He could go there, but he won’t be able to save face.

So I’m not sure where else.
I called no one deranged.

I’ve been accused numerous time of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”.

That’s what I meant.
I called no one deranged.
I’m not quite sure how to read your earlier post then. You contrasted Trump and his supporters response to the election to the statement “let’s be mean to Donald cause we’re deranged.” Seems a reasonable reading to me that you meant the Trump side was deranged.
Far too many on the left supported the left’s efforts to unseat Trump for crimes he did not commit. Far too many on the left support …

Yet none of those are a “betrayal of America.” You know, I usually like Juan. He seems like the reasonable, likeable liberal. But this is just garbage. You might disagree with Trump, and you might even disagree whether it is prudential to take legal action, but I don’t think it a betrayal.

Stupid, yes. Wasteful, certainly. Ridiculous, absolutely. But betrayal? :roll_eyes:

This is why we can’t have reasonable conversations.
So…anything more than “they do it too!” ?
“Let’s be mean to Donald” let’s refers to whom is being mean to Donald.

“Because we’re deranged” refers to those being mean to Donald. “Let’s” and “we’re” have the same subject.

If I wanted to indicate Trump supporters as deranged, “let’s be mean to Donald because they’re deranged”

My point is that there was an action by Trump that precipitated the impeachment.

It didn’t happen out of the blue due to Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Hope that’s clearer.

My point is that there was an action by Trump that precipitated the impeachment.
There’s no evidence of that.

Your statement was:
It wasn’t because “let’s be mean to Donald cause we’re deranged”
The (implied) antecedent to “us” (referred to in “let’s”) is the Democrats that pushed for impeachment. This the same antecedent for “we” (referred to in “we’re”) is the Democrats. I don’t get your interpretation of:
If I wanted to indicate Trump supporters as deranged, “let’s be mean to Donald because they’re deranged”
What you are saying now may have been what you meant to write, but it’s not what I read what you wrote.
As I see it, Trump had problems with numbers. His approval hovered between 45-46% for over 4yrs. The system worked for him during one election cycle but that was it. His disapproval was always in the majority and pretty strong at that. He didn’t want to risk losing any support so he went all over the place on the issues at hand. He was right on one thing though about shooting someone on 5th Avenue. But bragging about it didn’t win him friends.
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He didn’t want to risk losing any support so he went all over the place on his positions.
There are at least two things in which he was quite consistent: reduction in regulations and pro-ilfe. I don’t think those could be characterized as being “all over the place” in order not to “risk losing any support.” Even his Middle East policy seemed quite consistent.

I’m not sure we was floundering as much as you suggest.
So why do I know so many who had abortions and still voted for him? Three so far.
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So why do I know so many who had abortions who still voted for him?
?? I’m not sure what your point is.

Perhaps they are sorrowful for what they have done and knew that supporting a president with a pro-life record was the way to go. Perhaps they are hypocrites. Perhaps they value other aspects of his policies, such as the reduction in regulation, more than they abhorred his abortion policies. Perhaps they are like Democrats, and put other things above their view on abortion.

I don’t know. Have you asked them?
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