Judeo Christian relations in Israel

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Church Flap In Jerusalem: Bad Blood — And Saliva
By Eric J. Greenberg
Forward (newspaper, New York) October 22, 2004

It has been Jerusalem’s dirty little secret for decades: Orthodox
yeshiva students and other Jewish residents vandalizing churches and spitting on Christian clergyman as they walk along the narrow, ancient stone streets of the Old City.

Now, however, following a highly publicized fracas last week between a yeshiva student and the archbishop of Jerusalem’s Armenian Church, the issue is generating unprecedented media attention in Israel. The fight started after a yeshiva student at the respected Har Hamor yeshiva spat on Archbishop Nourhan Manougian during a Christian holy procession in the Old City…

My computer shows you’ve alredy posted this story once today in this forum - perhaps you might want to ask a moderator to pull one.
Proof that no religion is insulated from jerks. We all need to write the Israeli ambassador and let him know our feelings. To make it easy you can email the embassy at: interreligious@israelemb.org
Hope they get flooded.
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