Judge Greer to be honored

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One day the judge will stand before THE JUDGE and all will be made right then. I suppose the will find out what his “award” is really worth.
One day the judge will stand before THE JUDGE and all will be made right then. I suppose the will find out what his “award” is really worth.
I guess this is one award that is not saved up in Heaven. (like the treasure in Mark 10:21)
I was just about to post this here too, glad you beat me to it.

So now the pro-Euthansia lobby of attorneys are rushing to his side to prop Greer up. Just something else to make us God fearing life cherishing folks digusted, mearly to add insult to injury.

:banghead: :tsktsk: :mad:

How much longer will God tolerate this, and when will he send back His son to clean our act up??:confused:
Greer should be elevated not honored. I mean elevation by suspension hanging using a crane
Just seeing his name makes me feel ill, like reliving the horrible drama that took place. Let’s keep praying for the Schindlers. This has to be such a slap in the face. What kind of group recognizes this type of work? We are in a sorry state in this country.
Who can we talk to to organize a protest?Bestsmileys.com can hardly believe it!:mad: There are petitions STILL being signed to impeach him:tsktsk: And he is getting an award:banghead:
Who can we talk to to organize a protest?Bestsmileys.com can hardly believe it!:mad: There are petitions STILL being signed to impeach him:tsktsk: And he is getting an award:banghead:
I know this is terrible…do you know anyone in Fl that could check this out? Maybe check Fr Pavones website…Priests for Life?

stopactivistjudges.org/ check this org. out… 👍
This was my favorite statement in the whole article:
His decisions in that unfortunate case withstood the test of every appellate court in the country,'' Doran said. Those who are criticizing him are not seeing the big picture.’’
Did “every appellate court in the country” look at this case? Did any appellate court REALLY look at this case? All the appellate courts looked at was were the “i’s” dotted and the “t’s” crossed.

Unfortunately for him, there is One appeals Judge left, and it won’t be pretty for Judge Greer when it comes time to face the Almighty Judge. “For what you do to the least of My brethren, you do to Me!” He’s 63 years old-he statistically doesn’t have much time left. He needs serious prayer.
This was my favorite statement in the whole article:
His decisions in that unfortunate case withstood the test of every appellate court in the country,'' Doran said. Those who are criticizing him are not seeing the big picture.’’
Did “every appellate court in the country” look at this case? Did any appellate court REALLY look at this case? All the appellate courts looked at was were the “i’s” dotted and the “t’s” crossed.

Unfortunately for him, there is One appeals Judge left, and it won’t be pretty for Judge Greer when it comes time to face the Almighty Judge. “For what you do to the least of My brethren, you do to Me!” He’s 63 years old-he statistically doesn’t have much time left. He needs serious prayer.
I agree! Along with protesters to maybe awaken his conscience:nope:
Who can we talk to to organize a protest?http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/23.gifI can hardly believe it!:mad: There are petitions STILL being signed to impeach him:tsktsk: And he is getting an award:banghead:
Got your note, Lisa:

This is about as sickening as it gets. and, You’re right - We’re not in much better shape than when God walked into Sodom and Gomorrah after talking to Abraham.

I’m already swinging from the heels at the Senators, and it appears that Ani needs some help with the Abortionist being given an honorary Doctorate.

Remember, Terri now has a viewpoint where she can see the REAL peril and Danger that Judge Greer is in, and that peril is GRAVE, because it involves his SOUL. The fact that he is PROUD of this means that he is UNREPRENTANT, which makes the DANGER just that much GREATER.

LISA, Our country, and our world, are both in the midst of a GRAVE SICKNESS, and this award to Judge Greer is just one of the SYMPTOMS! The forces of evil, who’ve given our country (and out world) this illness, would love nothing better than to have us dissipate our energies on this UNREGENERATE, UNREPENTANT Sinner than to take them head on (in prayer and elsewhere) and deal with the sickness that they’ve brought on this country and this world.

Lisa, Let’s spend our efforts TREATING THE DISEASE;
  1. Educating people (esp. Catholics and other Christians) ABOUT the INTRINSIC VALUE OF HUMAN BEINGS and OF HUMAN LIFE,
  2. Getting ROE V. WADE overturned so that people can no longer avoid THAT debate and have to deal with the issues of LIFE,
  3. Making sure that EVERYONE knows not only how WRONG Abortion is, but also what a tragedy it is,
  4. Getting Terri’s Laws Passed (I’ve discussed those - So ASK) in the States and FEDERALLY,
  5. Making sure people understand the what the EUPHAMISMS used the “Right to Die” Movement REALLY MEAN,
  6. Informing them just how often Neurologists and other Doctors ARE WRONG in Diagnosing conditions such as PVS, and why people need to demand the latest tests for THEIR LOVED ONES! and
  7. PRAYING prayers such as The Rosary and the following:
Prayers to St. Michael

*Holy Michael Archangel, defend us in the day of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil, May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

O Prince most glorious, Michael the Archangel, keep us in rememberence; here and everywhere, always entreat the Son of God for us.*

St. Augustine’s Prayer Book - Rev. Ed. Page 277

Lisa, Let the DEAD have their party and give their award. Let’s just do everything we can to make sure they can’t have too many more of these in the future.

As much as I’d like to flail Michael Schiavo, Dr. Cranford, George Felos and Judge Greer alive, the above is REALLY the BEST THING TO DO!

Pray for their SOULS - They’re ALL under sentance of DEATH - and DO OUR BEST to make sure they can’t do this to some other INNOCENT PEOPLE!

Blessings on you because you have acted to save God’s Little Oners, Michael
Well…Let’s see if they Publish this:


Judge Greer did NOT Follow the Law in the Schiavo Case. He did NOT investigate CREDIBLE allegations that Michael changed his sworn testimony about Terri’s wishes from the Malpractice trial to that trial. He failed to order the Medical tests which are normative for diagnosing PVS (an MRI and aPET Scan in combination) and are FAR more revealing and accurate than CT which is WRONG 43% of the time. and, He failed to RECUSE himself from a case involving a major campaign contributor (George Felos).

NO, Sir. Judge Greer did NOT follow the Law!

Regards, Michael…

Use this form (after reading the article)
pasco.tbo.com/pasco/MGBHNYJW78E.html (article)
Write a letter to the editor about this story You’ll see it at the end of the article
or, e-mail: tribletters@tampatrib.com

That may be the best way to protest in this case.

Blessed are they who act to save the lives of God’s Little Ones, Michael
``Those who are criticizing him are not seeing the big picture.’’
That is frightening. Is the Big Picture the gateway to Euthanasia?

Think about it: Our President is a moral man. I am not always in agreement with his policies or actions, but I do believe he believes he has to answer to God someday. He wants to reform Social Security, but I’m not wild about some of his ideas about this.

But, will his future successors be as God-fearing? I can envision someone in the future making a “final solution” type of proposal re: Social Security reform: Euthanasia might just fill the ticket, and the Schiavo case might someday be cited to support the use of Euthanasia to solve the problem of Social Security. Just put the old folks to sleep when they reach a certain age. This may just be that gateway someday.
rastell said:
Hey, I’m starting a Doctor Killvorkian award!

Do you think the good Judge would be a good receipent?

Tell me why Dr.Killvorkian is in jail now:confused: Greer gets awards in the suicide Doctor is in jail,seem a little ironic?What was the difference the Judge order :mad:
That is frightening. Is the Big Picture the gateway to Euthanasia?

Think about it: Our President is a moral man. I am not always in agreement with his policies or actions, but I do believe he believes he has to answer to God someday. He wants to reform Social Security, but I’m not wild about some of his ideas about this.

But, will his future successors be as God-fearing? I can envision someone in the future making a “final solution” type of proposal re: Social Security reform: Euthanasia might just fill the ticket, and the Schiavo case might someday be cited to support the use of Euthanasia to solve the problem of Social Security. Just put the old folks to sleep when they reach a certain age. This may just be that gateway someday.
Terri was the gateway I am afraid:crying:
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