Judge sentences girl to abort baby

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Hlmem stated:

I only wish I could believe your figures. The Guttmacher Institute collects data and their estimates differ markedly:1973- 744,600 dead children

1980- 1,553,900 dead children

1988- 1,590,800 dead children

1990- 1,609,000 dead children

2000- 1,312,990 dead children

2003- 1,287,000 dead children

This article noted the trend of fewer abortions did not hold for the poor where numbers increased. Most importantly, it must be emphasized these are only estimates.40-50% of abortions are not reported. Let’s be realistic. The Supreme Court has denied the personhood of unborn children so there is no urgency to regulate or monitor abortuaries. The state trusts the abortion providers to be honest. It isn’t too hard to imagine many abortions are never reported in what is largely a cash based business. Read the testimony of Dr. Beverly McMillan, the first to set up an abortion “clinic” in Jackson, Mississippi in 1975.

That’s the bottom line isn’t it? Nobody is watching: nobody cares. Underage children, clearly the victims of predatory males are routinely hauled into abortuaries and the staff turns a blind eye for profit.
Excuse me? The very first word in that PDF is “estimate”

Estimates are not facts.
hlmem, Glad you got the point. 😃
I think you miss the point.

If the trend for 10 years says it is going up. Any estimate will be incorrect because it doesn’t take into any correction.

If I throw a ball ten feet, the trend on that ten feet say the ball will go forever, but we know that isnt true.

Plus bring facts not guesses
There is another thread on this topic. Perhaps the moderators should merge it with this one and the one question I have is this, Where is the Church condemning this in their own backyard? Has anyone heard any member of the hierarchy condemn this travesty?
The thing that is most offensive is the fact the parents would do such a thing. Yes it is well within their legal rights to consent their child to any medical procedure because the child in question was 13 and not 18. There are many cases where children’s wishes are not carried out simply becasue she is a minor. Many people will get caught up on the abortion debate and not see that the matter of the issue isn’t the legality of abortion (because it is apparently legal in Italy) but the fact that children have NO rights in their medical care. No adult can be forced to have a medical procedure done but, children must do whatever their parents want them to.
If abortion were globally illegal, then there would be no option for murdering a baby, and the only choice for the parents would have is to help raise the baby, their grandbaby.

Thier failings as parents is what brought this whole situation on in the first place. They should have been forced to care for the child, but no, its far easier to kill a baby, who has no voice, than for them to pay for thier mistakes.
This girl in now in a mental institute because she had a breakdown after the abortion.


Turin, Italy (LifeNews.com) – An Italian teenager whose parents and a judge forced her to have an abortion is apparently suffering significant mental anguish. The 13 year-old girl has apparently entered the psychiatric unit of an Italian hospital because she threatened to commit suicide after she was made to have the abortion.

According to the “La Stampa” Italian publication, the girl, whose name is Valentina, suffered a mental breakdown following the abortion.

Since the abortion, she has been confined to the mental health unit at Regina Margherita children’s hospital in Turin.

“You have made me kill, and now I’m going to kill myself,” Valentina reportedly cried, according to the Italian media source. "I am not crazy; I am only evil like a dog” she said about what her parents and the court made her do.
Yes, I read about Valentina’s breakdown. Let us pray for this abused child and her parents. My niece had a baby when she was thirteen years old and gave her son in an open adoption to a Catholic couple experiencing infertility. It was a heart-wrenching event for her; one the whole family suffered. Since then she has married and has been blessed with two more children. As much as it cost her at least she can live with herself now knowing her firstborn son has a good life. She takes comfort in knowing her sacrifice has brought happiness to another family.

Many more years ago one of my sisters, while yet a teenager, had a son and she too gave him up for adoption. At that time adoptions were closed so we lived years wondering what became of him. Quietly, my sister grieved for him. Birthdays were the hardest. Finally, I encouraged her to go to Social Services and advise them she was ready for a reunion. At the other end, my nephew’s wife encouraged him too to put his name into the system. Amazingly, things happened very quickly, not years as is the norm with backlogs. After my sister received the phone-call that her son had been located and wanted to speak with her she stood shaking like a leaf with excitement. They met privately for a couple of hours for the first time. He greeted his mother with an armful of yellow roses. I remember walking into the kitchen and looking at my nephew as I crossed the floor and hugged him saying “I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life.” It was a joy and peace comparable to what we can only expect to experience in the afterlife; one the Lord had blessed us with in the here and now. Sometime later her son, mindful this story could have had a much different ending, thanked his mother for the gift of life. He knew the sacrifice his mother had made, perhaps because he was already a father himself.

Unfortunately, Valentina’s family made a decision which can never bring happiness to anyone. It was an irrevocable choice to end an irreplaceable life. If only people would learn to wait on the Lord and his mercy.He always has a back-up plan for us; one we can’t begin to imagine. There is always a reason to hope.
Yes, I read about Valentina’s breakdown. Let us pray for this abused child and her parents. My niece had a baby when she was thirteen years old and gave her son in an open adoption to a Catholic couple experiencing infertility. It was a heart-wrenching event for her; one the whole family suffered. Since then she has married and has been blessed with two more children. As much as it cost her at least she can live with herself now knowing her firstborn son has a good life. She takes comfort in knowing her sacrifice has brought happiness to another family.

Many more years ago one of my sisters, while yet a teenager, had a son and she too gave him up for adoption. At that time adoptions were closed so we lived years wondering what became of him. Quietly, my sister grieved for him. Birthdays were the hardest. Finally, I encouraged her to go to Social Services and advise them she was ready for a reunion. At the other end, my nephew’s wife encouraged him too to put his name into the system. Amazingly, things happened very quickly, not years as is the norm with backlogs. After my sister received the phone-call that her son had been located and wanted to speak with her she stood shaking like a leaf with excitement. They met privately for a couple of hours for the first time. He greeted his mother with an armful of yellow roses. I remember walking into the kitchen and looking at my nephew as I crossed the floor and hugged him saying “I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life.” It was a joy and peace comparable to what we can only expect to experience in the afterlife; one the Lord had blessed us with in the here and now. Sometime later her son, mindful this story could have had a much different ending, thanked his mother for the gift of life. He knew the sacrifice his mother had made, perhaps because he was already a father himself.

Unfortunately, Valentina’s family made a decision which can never bring happiness to anyone. It was an irrevocable choice to end an irreplaceable life. If only people would learn to wait on the Lord and his mercy.He always has a back-up plan for us; one we can’t begin to imagine. There is always a reason to hope.
It’s so sad whenever an abortion occurs… we won’t ever know what this child was destined for… if this child would have been one who would have ended up preventing a war, finding a cure for a disease, or just being a good parent and a faithful Catholic (or even if one of its descendents did any of those!). If only given a chance; perhaps a priest or a doctor. We will never know. God save our souls. This girl wanted to live up to her responsibilities and have the child. She sinned, but she was trying to correct her errors. God, we pray for all the aborted souls who are now in the care of your Mercy. Amen.
:eek: :mad:
I can’t even say anything.I am just speechless…


Torino, Italy

http://www.maltastar.com/images/system/1px.gifAlan Zammit17 February 2007http://www.maltastar.com/images/system/1px.gif

An Italian judge ordered a 13 year old girl from Torino to abort her unborn child because her parents were opposed to the baby.

Italian legislation states that a minor is not allowed to decide whether to abort or not and the ‘decision’ falls entirely on the guardians or parents.

The shocking story was brought into light by Italian newspaper La Stampa in which the paper reports that the girl didn’t want to abort the baby but had to after the ruling. She then had to receive treatment after telling her parents she was going to attempt a suicide.

The girl got pregnant by her 15 year old boyfriend but despite this she still wanted to keep the baby.

However her parents were very angry and demanded an abortion. After the abortion the girl went into a frenzy and threatened she was going to kill herself.

“The unborn baby is still a life and I defend life whatever the situation.” Severino Poletto, Archbishop of Torino told the paper.

“Society must take of this child. I certainly oppose abortions but this case allows us to reflect on the situation. We have to take a step back and ask ourselves how this could have happened to a 13 year old girl.” he added.
If Europe won’t receive the Godly council of the Church they may be forced to swallow the dictates of Shariah.

What does the pill have to do with STDs as no one says they protect from STDs

Second saying that sex with a condom creates the same amount of abortions and pregnancies as unprotected sex outside of marriage is false

Plus in 1973(when abortions came legal, not the “1968 pill” date you gave. You should know that since you work with these people) there were 615,000 abortions. In 2000 there were 857,000. Over 200,000 more BUT because of population growth there were less per person so the number of abortions have gone down, not up like you said
Before the pill, if people had sex outside of marriage, they generally married that person. If you got someone pregnant then you married them. My great uncle had a charge brought against him for having sex with a woman who claimed that he promised to marry her.

WIth the advent of the pill people were not so careful. Women who might have held off having sex and thus not having run the risk of STDs had sex. And sometimes in the heat of the moment, condoms are forgotten. So, in that since the pill can be an indirect cause of STDs.

I think that people have less abortions because there is more knowledge about the development of the fetus. When I was young it was strongly impressed on us during 10th grade biology that the first few months the fetus is just a few cells. Later I learned differently.
I almost feel ashamed to be a law student now. That judge, come on… It’s beyond words. I hate the attitude of parents who mentally or even physically dominate their children just so their agenda can be fulfilled as it was termed here in this thread.

Basically, a girl can be legally dragged to an abortion clinic, pinned down and have the baby torn off her - or pushed a chemical drug down her throat - so that some idiots who call themselves her parents can express their views. That’s the liberal law for you.
Before the pill, if people had sex outside of marriage, they generally married that person. If you got someone pregnant then you married them. My great uncle had a charge brought against him for having sex with a woman who claimed that he promised to marry her.
Condoms can cause STDs too. Did you know that the variety of condoms that contain spemicide (sp) acutually increase the chances of a person contracting certain STDs?
Just thinking: this is so awful, and it’s happened before–like in Nazi Europe. If anyone wants to read the most horrible, heart-wrenching, story of a forced abortion I have ever seen, check out :

Friedman, Ina R. “Franziska: A Silent Protest Against Sterilization.” The Other Victims: First Person Stories of Non-Jews Persecuted by the Nazis Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990.

The basic story goes like this: Franziska Schwarz was sixteen. She and her boyfriend, Christian, had plans to marry and have children. Tragically, because Franziska was deaf, the Nazis were afraid that she might have imperfect deaf children, so they forced her to be sterilized. After the operation, Franziska turned to Christian for comfort. Soon she was pregnant; it turned out that the sterilization had failed. Franziska was delighted. Now she and Christian would be able to have a baby, just like she had always dreamed. Then the authorities learned that she was expecting, and aborted the child against her will.
Franziska was crushed, but she was comforted by the thought that after she and Christian were married, they could have another baby together. Yet the young couple was denied even this. They were not to be allowed a marriage license until Franziska had another sterilization operation. Her Uncle Karl managed to obtain a court hearing, but the decision was upheld. Furious, Karl cursed Hitler loudly—right there in court. He was arrested and beheaded. The bill for the execution was sent to his family. And Franziska was sterilized—forever deprived of the chance to have a family, all because she was “imperfect” (Friedman, 67-76). 😦

(Sorry if my re-telling sounds too formal; I actually just copied and pasted it from a research project I did back in high school to save myself the trouble of re-typing the whole thing.)
Before the pill, if people had sex outside of marriage, they generally married that person. If you got someone pregnant then you married them. My great uncle had a charge brought against him for having sex with a woman who claimed that he promised to marry her.
Condoms can cause STDs too. Did you know that the variety of condoms that contain spemicide (sp) acutually increase the chances of a person contracting certain STDs?
Whoops! Looks like I tacked the wrong quote onto my answer–I meant for that message ( 32?) to be a response to a different post. I must be really out of it today. :whacky: Wonder if it has something to do with that chemistry test I had yesterday? Chemistry has a way of doing wierd things to people. haha.
Yes, I think many many supporters of abortion would find this troubling. Putting aside the issue of the unborn child, imagine the effect on this girl, and her relationship with her parents?
Is the Church a sanctuary? I wonder if someone like that could run to the church for protection?
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