Just for fun, who's your favorite living celebrity priest?

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I realize for some of us it’s hard to pick just one of these guys, other people I can almost predict their choice. I left off Pope Emeritus Benedict because he’d likely get all the votes, and Fr. James Martin because the post would probably spontaneously combust if I put his name on here.
  • Fr. Mitch Pacwa
  • Bishop Robert Barron
  • Fr. Chad Ripperger
  • Fr. Larry Richards
  • Fr. Z ( Fr. John Zuhlsdorf)
  • Fr. John Corapi
  • Fr. Richard Heilman
  • Fr. Mike Schmitz
  • Other living celebrity priest (explain in comments)
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I chose Father Larry, but I like Father Mitch Pacwa quite a lot as well.
Yeah, I like a few of these guys myself. All of them have moments when they are really great and other moments where they’re a little bit wobbly.
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This poll is a great idea. I pray the comments don’t turn into the usual CAF monkey poo fight.
I chose Fr. Chad Ripperger, but I quite like Fr. Schmitz as well (I know, that probably seems odd haha).

I think I should just mention that’s it’s important to avoid developing a cult of personality around popular priests like these, no matter how good they are.
Not familiar with Fr Ripperger, we use some of Father Mike’s stuff in RCIA.
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Oh, of course. I am always super cognizant that anyone who has a cult of personality could crash and burn quite badly. At the same time, some of them manage to persevere, such as soon-to-be-beatified Ven. Bishop Sheen, and Ven. Patrick Peyton the “Rosary Priest”. We should always make sure to pray for our favorite priests.
Fr. Ripperger is the exorcist priest who does “Sensus Fidelium” on Youtube and also promotes the Auxilium Christianorum (sorry, I mixed it up with the Angelic Warfare Confraternity which is a similar organization run by the Dominicans that Fr. Ripperger mentions sometimes).
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I went with other Father Spitzer. Maybe not as well known as some of the others. But always interesting and upbeat. His broad knowledge is second to none.
He’s probably too humble to think of himself as a celebrity. Plus if we include him we have to include InthePew and a bunch of others too.
Had to leave off Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict both. A “Favorite Living Pope” thread would be just asking for a dumpster fire. Maybe at some point we’ll do a “Favorite Deceased Pope” poll.
I had to think. I like quite a few, but each for different attributes. Passion, clarity, pastoral sense, directness. It is wonderful to think of the number here and the so many others in parishes.
My wife and I happened to be in Denver and went to a Saturday mass at the Cathedral. It was Archbishop Chaput’s last mass before going to Philadelphia.
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1st preference goes to Monsignor Charles Pope. I also like some posts by Fr Z, read and like Fr Longenecker as well as Fr Mike Schmitz.
My favorite is not on the list, but it’s Fr William O’Malley. He had a good-sized part in The Exorcist movie. He played Dr Dyer. I’m a church musician so I had the chance to play Masses where he was presiding on a number of occasions. He always delivered brilliant homilies and is a great person to be around. I enjoyed supporting him with music.
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