Just for fun, who's your favorite living celebrity priest?

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Father Guido Sarducci!..lighten up!

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I’m glad to hear Fr. O’Malley was a good priest in real life in addition to being a good actor in the film.
His role is my favorite one in the film.
I like to think if I’d been a man and a Jesuit priest, I would have been like Fr. Dyer and not so much like the tortured main character.
I also like the very last scene where he looks at the view as I frequently used to look at the same view. My graduate program was located in the Car Barn which is the building immediately to the left of the steps not the house but the other building which appears to be under construction at the time of the movie. I looked at that view many times although often it was from the library which is a little ways up the hill and higher up.
He was great as the confessor filling up the ashtray and eating a McChicken while listening to Mickey Thomas lie in the Jefferson Starship “No Way Out” video.
I pretty much watch that piece of idiocy just to see him.

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Fr Chad, Fr Schmitz, Fr Mitch Pacwa. Dunno if I missed anyone else.
Living in heaven, Fulton Sheen.
I am against the celebrity of the priest.
I do enjoy listening to Bishop Barron and watching his series.
Yes. Not thinking, since I didn’t see his name, but he is also a favorite of mine. So much information right at the tip of his brain. He’s very impressive.
Father Hezekias and Father Sebastian from the Institute of Catholic Culture.

I am against the celebrity of the priest.
I do enjoy listening to Bishop Barron and watching his series.
Totally agree. No names, but there are some “celebrity priests” out there who spend more time being celebrities than they do being priests.
Fr. Mitch Pacwa I have a soft spot for EWTN. They helped pull me back home!
Love Fr. Calloway, his book No Turning Back was one of the best books I’ve ever read, such an amazing inspiration
I voted for Bishop Barron, and Fr. Robert Spitzer of EWTN and the Magis Center is another good priest for the list.
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I am against the celebrity of the priest.
It’s called evangelization. Some priests happen to be gifted speakers and get well-known for it. And the Internet has made the process a lot easier.

This older article has some great suggestions. 10 Places to find excellent homilies online
No names, but there are some “celebrity priests” out there who spend more time being celebrities than they do being priests.
This accusation is inappropriate and beyond the scope of this thread.
I also like Fr. James Martin, and Fr. Richard Rohr too, but I understand they can be controversial and mostly cause arguments here on CAF. But they’re still worth mentioning as far as I’m concerned.
Celebrity does not equal evangelization.
The Desert Fathers evangelized quite well in their activities of withdrawing from cities and living quiet and simple lives. People sought them out and communities that were some of the first religious communities sprung up. In 200 years, the name of St Anthony the first and founding Monk will still be known as it has been for centuries.
I don’t see Bishop Barron as a celebrity. He is an educator who makes series and podcasts to educate and be informative.

Horses for courses, some people enjoy the celebrity of the Priest and if it nourishes them on their spiritual journey , thats great. Others enjoy and get more nourishment from the quiet and humble souls.
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I would have put Fr. Martin in the poll except that I was afraid it would turn into a Fr. Martin-bashing thread. “Who voted for Fr. Martin? You’re going to Hell” etc.

He would not have been my top pick, but he doesn’t bother me.
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Barron is my go-to guy, followed distantly by Pacwa, Rohr and Rolheiser. I also like Bishop John Spong but he is of another coloring book altogether. 🙂
Celebrity does not equal evangelization.
Exactly. They’re involved in evangelization.
Pitcarin is right in that a Priest should not be seeking celebrity.
I find it petty and uncharitable to assume that they are. God calls some to lead the quite, monastic life and others to “get out there.” Religious leaders and saints do get famous. To accuse them of being arrogant about it is out of line.
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