Just got back from my first Tridentine Latin Mass

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The current vernacular stinks. ICEL has done a horrible job at translatiing the Mass into English, HORRIBLE!!
I gather you understand Latin. But those poor souls who don’t will appreciate it more.

At least the kids (and adults) have one less reason not to claim that mass is boring - would be a lot worse in Latin…

Hope the new translation coming out soon will correct your gripes.

Sorry, what’s ICEL?
It might have just been priests and deacons, but just sitting on the side. :cool:
This often happens, not just at Solemn High and Sung Mass but even at Low Mass. Clergy sitting on the sanctuary are said to be sitting ‘in choir’. I recently MC’d a Solemn Mass and about half a dozen priests sat in choir, in soutane and surplice. They do not celebrate or concelebrate, and they are recognised at the incensation at the offertory. Sometimes they can assist with the distribution of Holy Communion.

Hope this helps.
God bless,
Fr Matt
In the old days (before Vat. II), monasteries and seminaries had a Missa Cantata every day. (Like the Requiem Mass, a scola cantorum and incense was used). On Sundays, a High Mass, and Solemn Feasts, a Solemn High Mass (deacon and sub-deacon). Most parishes only had a Solemn High Mass at Easter and Christmas. and maybe another big feast. (The Carmelites near me in Northern New Jersey had a monastery nearby had Solemn High Mass on the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.)
Thank you Fr. Matt - it is always appreciated to have a priest’s (name removed by moderator)ut in any of these sections especially since many are struggling with their faith.

Most of us are eagar for the truth but many of us also have gleaned a lot of misinformation over the years. I often thought a good book would be “A Catholics Garden of Misinformation” because much weeding out is needed. 🙂

Can there be more than one deacon/subdeacon at a Solemn High Mass? I have seen two subdeacons in a picture of Bp.Williamson saying Mass. I don’t know if this is an accepted practice. At the consecration, one subdeacon wore the Humeral veil and the other one[crucifer] knelt on the altar’s side steps.
Catholic Eagle yes I believe 7 priests but only one was the Celebrant. The rest sat through the service but the deacons stood. The 7 had Roman collars and people called them father after Mass. It was my first Hgh Mass. I’m looking forward to every 3rd Sunday from now on.
Thanks Fr.Matt that is pretty much how it was. This often happens, not just at Solemn High and Sung Mass but even at Low Mass. Clergy sitting on the sanctuary are said to be sitting ‘in choir’. I recently MC’d a Solemn Mass and about half a dozen priests sat in choir, in soutane and surplice. They do not celebrate or concelebrate, and they are recognised at the incensation at the offertory. Sometimes they can assist with the distribution of Holy Communion.
Hers a pic of Holy Trinity
Well that’s your opinion anyway. I don’t speak Latin but I can read English printed in the missal beside the Latin. I don’t go to be entertained. I find it much more spiritual and far less “entertaining” than the modern Masses. .
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the Latin mass. It is just that if everyone understand deeper meaning of the mass and the various prayers are sung and the choir does not put our eardrums to the test, the vernacular mass is just as, if not more spiritual than the Latin mass.

I once went to a Church in Hong Kong, and during the communion, a solo Fillipina sang a beautiful hymn. It brought tears to my eyes. It was the most spiritual mass I have ever attended.
I still really couldn’t keep up with the progression of the mass, for the most part. I was able to keep up with it in a few spots, but they were few and far between. Is this normal?

I also was not able to hear most of the Latin the Priest was saying during his prayers with his back turned towards the Church…I believe that is normal though, right?
I know Latin pretty well, and studied the Mass assiduously for a few weeks before attending my first Tridentine Mass in decades. I was surprised at how often I had to play “catch-up.” So, yes, it is normal to get lost.

You couldn’t hear because the canon is said silently. It has nothing to do with the “ad orientem” position of the priest facing the same direction as you are. So that’s normal, too.
Yeah. That sounds just about right. I’m still remembering my first time. I was LOST! I was able to make sense of things just right after the Gospel reading and Homily.
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